If there are arrears owed to the State, CSSD will leave the case open and continue to enforce those arrears, but will stop enforcing current support and arrears owed to the PRS. This section describes IV-D cases in which no action can be taken at the present time. In the latter case, if the request is received in a responding State's central registry and the initiating State requests location services, the responding State must treat the case as a formal interstate case and comply with the requirements at 303.7(c). When the IV-D agency in the custodial parent's old State of residence is notified by the IV-D agency in the custodial parent's new State of residence that IV-D services are being provided by the IV-D agency in the custodial parent's new State of residence, the IV-D agency in the custodial parent's old State of residence may close the IV-D case. Comment: One commenter asked if a State could retain a requirement that one attempt to contact the service recipient be by certified mail? A PRS who is not receiving aid ("welfare") can close his or her case at any time. NONCUSTODIAL PARENT APPLICANTS FOR IV-D SERVICES. Thirty-one individuals or organizations provided comments to the proposed rule. However, the NPRM also noted that any additional flexibility provided to the States was always balanced against the need to provide families with effective child support enforcement services. Comment: Two commenters objected to the incorporation of the term "recipient of services'' into the case closure regulation. It is not appropriate for a State to close a case upon the occurrence of the criterion set forth in paragraph (b)(10) without fully complying with the requirements of paragraph (c). RIN 0970-AB82, Child Support Enforcement Program; Standards for Program Operations. The final rule clarifies the situations in which States may close child support cases and makes other technical changes. This regulation is issued under the authority granted to the Secretary by section 1102 of the Social Security Act (the Act). Response: The State is obligated under the Title IV-D program to provide child support enforcement services to eligible families. c. Paragraph (b)(4) is redesignated as paragraph (b)(3) and amended by adding paragraph (b)(3)(iv) to read as follows: Comment: Two commenters questioned the wisdom of the one-year waiting period before a case can be closed under the authority of subparagraph (b)(4)(ii) when the noncustodial parent's location is unknown and the IV-D agency does not have sufficient information to initiate an automated locate effort. You are supposed to. 2. If your child is an emancipated minor and you are required by law to pay the child support then those responsibilities to pay the child support do not just go away. In addition to what has already been stated in this response, OCSE believes that it is important for the IV-D agency to notify the recipient of services of its intention to close a case based upon the criteria identified in paragraph (c). Such a case is open and being worked by only one State. Interstate Child Support Enforcement Case Processing and UIFSA Listen You are viewing content from the ACF Archives that is no longer current but remains on our site for reference. Question 25: If the regulations are meant to restrict non-AFDC IV-D case closure to custodial parents, are States required to advise applicants for IV-D services other than custodial parents of the consequences of their application and the circumstances under which their cases may be closed? The final rule balances good case management and workable administrative decisions with providing needed services, always erring in favor of including any case in which there is any chance of success. Question 18: How should the IV-D agency treat a non-AFDC Medicaid case where the custodial parent refuses to cooperate with the IV-D agency in the establishment of paternity and securing of medical support? Question 20: May a non-AFDC IV-D case be closed when the IV-D agency has attempted to contact the custodial parent repeatedly without success? The response incorrectly refers to "IV-AD" in three instances, and should refer to "IV-D". However, as in the case of an uncooperative AFDC recipient, the IV-D agency may not close the IV-D case because the non-AFDC Medicaid recipient is uncooperative in establishing paternity. Response: As a general rule, the data elements needed to conduct an automated locate effort include an individual's name and social security number. It is meant to be illustrative and is not intended to be exhaustive. It would clearly be illogical to allow noncustodial parents to apply for IV-D services and not to allow them to request case closure. When the arrearages are fully collected, the case may be closed under 303.11(b)(9), which provides for case closure when the non-AFDC custodial parent requests and there is no assignment to the State of arrearages which accrued under a support order. National Medical Support Notice (NMSN): A notice that acts as an order requiring the employer (or other group providing health insurance) to enroll the employees child in the employers health insurance plan. 1 thing divorcing couples fight over. 3. Response: A State is free to continue the requirement that at least one attempt to contact the service recipient be conducted by certified mail. 3. 303.11(b), cannot be closed pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) simply because it has been deemed a low collection potential case. * * * * *. If you have not consulted with an experienced family law attorney, you should do so. However, for purposes of this paragraph the data elements required for an automated locate effort are simply the individual's name and social security number. Person Receiving Support (PRS): Parent or legal caretaker who the child lives with most of the time. Comment: One commenter recommended that the reference to 45 CFR 232.40 be removed from paragraph (b)(9) because this Federal regulation was obsolete. 303.11. Donna E. Shalala, DATES: Consideration will be given to comments received by April 27, 1998. Additionally, the IV-D agency is not required to suspend action or change its procedures to accommodate the private action. Ohio Administrative Code 5101:12-10-03 specifies when a CSEA may transfer a case to a CSEA in another county. As specified in OCSE-PIQ-91-14, in cases in which the noncustodial parent is unknown or so little information is available that no automated locate sources can be accessed, the IV-D agency should contact the custodial parent at least annually to determine whether any new information is available that would allow further action to be taken. In response to these comments, we promulgated 303.11(b)(12) which allows closure for non-cooperation in non-AFDC cases when the case file documents the circumstances of the non-cooperation, and an action by the custodial parent is essential for the next step in providing services. Federal guidelines require a local child support agency to take action in cases when a payer is more than one month behind in making payments. Assistant Secretary for Children and Families. Prosecutor's Office may cancel the case closure process in the statewide child support system. FPLS obtains address and employer information, as well as data on child support cases in . Under this paragraph, a case would not be available for closure if the resident address of the noncustodial parent was known but the IV-D agency was unable to locate any assets attributable to the noncustodial parent. Toll-Free: (877) 423-4746. The IV-D agency must notify the Medicaid agency of the refusal to cooperate. 6. 2. We must emphasize, however, that when a case changes status for the purposes of statistical reporting on OCSE-156 and OCSE-158 forms, it would not be closed for purposes of 303.11 unless one of the case closure criteria under 303.11(b) was also met. The division of child support may register an order from a tribe or another state or country for enforcement or modification. 1. program in establishing paternity and securing support, for which you may be sanctioned. Response: The 60 calendar day time frame the commenter is addressing has been required under Federal case closure regulations since the original final rule was promulgated on August 4, 1989. First, the location of the noncustodial parent must be unknown. 4. Question 21: How is a "case" defined for reporting purposes, using the forms OCSE-156 and OCSE-158, and for case closure purposes, under 303.11(b)? 3. (10) In a non-IV-A case receiving services under Sec. Notification to the custodial parent that the custodial parent may be required to reimburse the IV-D agency for any misdirected child support collections received by the custodial parent could be included in the notice to the family regarding continuation of IV-D services. If the responding State is unable to take further action without additional information or assistance and, as provided in the preamble to the final rule on case closure (64 FR 11810, 11816), it has so notified the initiating State consistent with 45 CFR 303.7(c)(4)(ii), the responding State may take steps to close the case on its own. [Rules and Regulations] Visit: 2 Peachtree St. NW. Therefore, for purposes of 303.11, if the applicant for services was not the custodial parent, States should substitute the applicant for services whenever 303.11 refers to the custodial parent. OCSE believes that this final rule is successful in striking a good balance between these two factors and, as a result, we expect that the public will receive improved services from the IV-D program. However, as we stated in the Preamble to the Final Rule on Program Standards (54 FR 32284, at 32303, August 4, 1989) "[c]ase closure does not affect the support order or arrearages which have accrued under the order; it only means that services under the IV-D program will no longer be provided. 651 et seq.). The recipient of IV-D services leaving State A does not mean the IV-D case should be closed. SUMMARY: This final rule amends Federal regulations which govern the case closure procedures for the child support enforcement program. As explained in the preamble to the final rule, the basic premise for development of case closure criteria was to establish clear and concise standards which preclude premature or inappropriate closing of cases, and to identify specific areas where case closure is permitted. This Action Transmittal is organized as follows: I. Response: A State may close a case if it meets one or more of the requirements specified at 303.11. Case Closure Matrix Page 3 of 5 3.50E1 (Rev. For example, the obligor's duty to provide child support survives the death of the obligee. Case Closure Complete Guide 3. The fact that a case is closed has no impact on the underlying orders for support. Under section 454(4) of the Act, a IV-D case is established in response to two scenarios: (1) an individual applies for, and receives, certain forms of public assistance (TANF, IV-E foster care, medical assistance under Title XIX, and when cooperation with IV-D is required of a Food Stamp recipient) and good cause or another exception to cooperation with IV-D does not exist; or (2) when an individual not receiving the aforementioned types of public assistance makes an application for such services. There are no case closure criteria which permit the unilateral closure of a IV-D case by the IV-D agency because the IV-D recipient has retained private counsel. Use of Federal Child Support Case Closure Regulations 2 OEI 06-00-00470 . Until the IV-D agency in the custodial parent's new State of residence notifies the IV-D agency in the custodial parent's old State of residence that IV-D services are being provided by the IV-D agency in the custodial parent's new State of residence, the IV-D agency in custodial parent's old State of residence would continue to distribute child support collections received from the non-custodial patent's State of residence to the custodial parent at the custodial parent's new address in the new State of residence. Comment: One commenter suggested that the final rule incorporate a 60 calendar day time frame to the paragraph (b)(12) interstate case closure criterion. Step 1: Open the Case Either parent can open a child support case, as can a child's legal guardian. Closure Code Chart - Child Support Quest Case Closure General Case Closure Closure Code Chart Updated on July 25, 2022 Closure Code Chart As of July 22, 2022. For these reasons OCSE decided not to adopt this recommendation. It is OCSE policy that because the statute specifically states that any individual may apply for IV-D program services, we cannot exclude a category of applicants. Click here for step-by-step instructions **. The courthouse is located at 600 S. Commonwealth Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90005. * * * * *, d. Paragraph (b)(5) is redesignated as paragraph (b)(4) and revised to read as follows: (1) The reason for case closure determines whether the division of child support (DCS): (a) Sends a notice of intent to close; (b) Sends a notice of case closure; or (c) Notifies the other jurisdiction. Our Office Coral Springs Office Address 9600 West Sample Road Suite 406 However, in interstate location requests, responding States are not required to conduct the quarterly repeat location attempts as specified in 303.3(b)(5). A noncustodial parent is counted once for each family which has a dependent child he or she may be obligated to support. * * * * *, (iv) The identity of the biological father is unknown and cannot be identified after diligent efforts, including at least one interview by the IV-D agency with the recipient of services; Comment: One commenter objected to paragraph (b)(4) on the basis that it assumes a level of State automation which does not currently exist. If you are applying for child support services using this website, you can also find information below on how to complete and send your application online using this website. If this is the address of the IV-A agency, the notice should be sent there. (e) The IV-D agency must retain all records for cases closed in accordance with this section for a minimum of 3 years, in accordance with 45 CFR 75.361 . Specifically, they asked if the interview was required to be conducted "face-to-face,'' or could a separate IV-D interview be conducted over the telephone? Nevertheless, notice to both parents is not precluded. In short, it means that the mother is not cooperating with the Dept. Parentage: Parent-child relationship (who the parent of the child is). The IV-D agency should contact the Medicaid agency for assistance in locating the custodial parent. Case ClosureHomeChild SupportCase ClosureGet Case InformationApply for Child SupportMake a Payment OnlineChild support cases close for different reasons. The authority citation for Part 303 continues to read as follows: Authority: 42 U.S.C. Question 32: May a IV-D agency adopt a policy of requiring IV-D obligees to request closure of their IV-D cases if and while they have entered into contracts with private collection agencies for collection of child support? OCSE is addressing the continuation of services issue in IV-E cases in another rulemaking activity. Contents Response: In order for a paternity establishment case to be eligible for closure under subparagraph (b)(3)(iv), a State must make a meaningful attempt to identify the biological father. This rule does not contain information collection provisions subject to review by the Office of. Response: As we stated in OCSE-PIQ-91-02, a IV-D case is defined, for the purposes of the OCSE Child Support Enforcement Program Quarterly Data Report (OCSE-156) and the Child Support Enforcement Program Annual Data Summary Report (OCSE-158), as a noncustodial parent (mother, father, or putative father) who is now or eventually may be obligated under law for the support of a child or children. While it is true that, as of the date of this final rule, not all States have certified statewide automated systems in place, States do have automated locate systems capability and the majority of States have Statewide systems mandated by section 454(16) of the Social Security Act. Response: No, the IV-D agency may not close the case pursuant to 303.11(b)(6) because action on it may be possible when the noncustodial parent is released from prison. A case opened or being enforced by the Child Support Services Department (CSSD) can be closed for many reasons. The final rule adds a new paragraph, (b)(12) to Sec. Question 22: Because of the way some States have designed their automated systems, it is very common for them to close one case on a family and to immediately open another. When a case is closed it means that CSSD will no longer provide services for that case. The purpose of the case closure rule is to allow States to close unworkable cases thereby allowing each State to focus its resources on those cases which are workable. Exactly when a case closes depends on the specific child support order, the laws that control it, and the case circumstances. If a Person Paying Support (PPS) still has an order for support, he or she must continue to pay that support to the Person Receiving Support (PRS) . Case Closure Desktop Guide 4. 4. Response: Because this paragraph only applies to interstate cases, the program standards appearing at Sec. For example, when the custodial parent and the child(ren) are terminated from AFDC, the IV-D agency would, for purposes of the OCSE-156 and OCSE-158, close the case in AFDC status and re-open the case in non-AFDC status and/or AFDC arrears only status. Question 31: After a IV-D case has been closed in accordance with case closure criteria, is the IV-D agency obligated to continue to provide enforcement services? Comment: One commenter requested a clarification of the term "regular'' attempts to locate. Local child support agencies monitor cases to ensure court orders are being followed. The reason for this is to allow the recipient of services, who may have just moved, sufficient time to contact the IV-D agency to provide his/her new address. There is no requirement that the other parent also must be provided with notice in such cases. In the first sentence, the reference to "paragraphs (b)(1) through (7) and (11) and (12) of this section'' is changed to read "paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) and (10) through (12) of this section[.]'' In 303.11(b)(9) then, the State IV-D agency may close a case if requested by the individual who applied for IV-D services under 302.33, and there is no assignment to the State of medical support under 42 CFR 433.146 or of arrearages which accrued under a support order. 3507(d)). When the initiating jurisdiction receives the intent to close notice for this case closure A parent does not have to pay current child support for an emancipated minor. In paragraph (d), we are making a technical amendment to the rule by removing the reference to "subpart D,'' as that subpart has been reassigned and no longer addresses the issue of record retention. 2. 303.11(b)(4)(ii). Response: Federal requirements at 303.7(c)(6) require that, within 10 working days of locating the noncustodial parent in another State, the responding State must either return the form and documentation, including the new location of the noncustodial parent, to the initiating State, or, if the initiating State so directs, forward the form and documentation to the central registry in the State where the noncustodial parent has been located. 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