A fat-suppressed proton density-weighted axial image in a 14 year-old female with shoulder instability reveals findings of severe glenoid hypoplasia. Orthop J Sports Med. A 22-year-old male wrestler presents to your clinic with complaints of deep left shoulder pain for the past 6 weeks. Modern imaging techniques, in particular MRI, have greatly increased our ability to accurately diagnose posterior glenohumeral instability, and accurate recognition and characterization of the relevant abnormalities are critical for proper diagnosis and patient management.5, Multiple shoulder structures are important in resisting shoulder instability. 2013 Sep 24;2013(9):CD009020. If there is a related partial thickness rotator cuff tear, there may also be lateral (on the side) pain. The IGHL, labrum, and periosteum are stripped and medially displaced along the anterior neck of the scapula. 6). Which of the following is the next best step in management? Adv Orthop. They involve the superior glenoid labrum, where the long head of biceps tendon inserts. The appearance is thought to be due to failure of ossification of the more inferior of the two ossification centers of the glenoid, resulting in a cartilage cap replacing the bone defect.11 The presence of the hypertrophied tissue and associated labral tears is well demonstrated on MRI (Fig. complex injuries to the shoulder. Large tears of the rotator cuff may allow the humeral head to migrate upwards resulting in a high riding humeral head. 8 Therefore, although Bennett lesions are typically not associated with . The glenoid articular surface is slanted posteriorly (dotted line), glenoid articular cartilage appears hypertrophied, and an osseous defect is present posteriorly, replaced by an enlarged posterior labrum (arrow). It is not healed. Figure 17-5. MRI is not uncommonly the key to the diagnosis as patients may present with vague clinical findings that are not prospectively diagnosed, in part because of the relatively less common incidence and awareness of this entity. A sublabral foramen or sublabral hole is an unattached anterosuperior labrum at the 1-3 o'clock position. Dougherty MC, Kulenkamp JE, Boyajian H, Koh JL, Lee MJ, Shi LL. Eur J Radiol. Normal glenoid morphology is present. Which of the following nerves was most likely injured during the procedure? This procedure greatly enhances the diagnostic accuracy by allowing tears . Careers. -, BMJ. Galvin et al performed a retrospective comparative outcomes analysis of 37 patients, mean age 28 years, who underwent arthroscopic posterior labral repair for symptomatic posterior shoulder instability with a mean follow-up of 3.1 years. Figure 1. 10 A paralabral cyst indicates the presence of a labral tear. Smith T, Drew B, Toms A. Methods: Between 2006 and 2008, 444 patients who had both shoulder arthroscopy and an MRI (non-contrast . -, Am J Sports Med. Diagnosis is made clinically with presence of increased anterior and posterior humeral translation, a sulcus sign, and overall increased . The image shows the typical findings of a sublabral recess. 1. There are a number of anatomical labral variants located between 11 and 3 o'clock, which can be mistaken for a SLAP tear: Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. Advances in knowledge:: On a direct MR arthrographic image, a posterior capsular synovial fold may be a normal anatomic variant. What is your diagnosis? 3-T MRI of the shoulder: is MR arthrography necessary? Clinical Relevance: . This is called a posterior labral tear. Surg Clin North Am. In cases of severe dysplasia, advanced rounding and posterior sloping of the posterior glenoid is seen, and pronounced thickening of the labrum and other adjacent posterior soft tissues is apparent. Look for tears of the infraspinatus tendon. AJR 2004; 183(2). The glenoid labrum is a cartilage rim that attaches to the glenoid rim. In part II we will discuss shoulder instability. Biplanar radiographs should always be obtained when evaluating patients with suspected shoulder instability. 2019 Nov 7;19:199-202. doi: 10.1016/j.jor.2019.10.015. Philadelphia, Pa: Lea & Blanchard; 1822, Pollock RG, Bigliani LU. Study the attachment of the IGHL at the humerus. Edelson was the first to define the incidence of subtle forms of glenoid dysplasia by studying scapular specimens from several museum collections.15 Posteroinferior hypoplasia was defined as a dropping away of the normally flat plateau of the posterior part of the glenoid beginning 1.2 cm caudad to the scapular spine (Figure 17-7). . (14b) In a 39 year-old weightlifter with persistent posterior shoulder pain and instability, the axial image reveals the posterior capsule outlined by arthrographic fluid along both sides of the capsule, strongly suggestive of a capsular tear. Skeletal Radiol 2000; 29:204-210. MRI of the shoulder has been found to be accurate in the diagnosis of labral tears. Bennett lesions are more commonly found in overhead athletes, typically baseball players, and can be visualized on axillary radiographs.5 The development of this lesion is hypothesized to be secondary to either traction of the posterior band inferior glenohumeral ligament during the throwing deceleration phase, or impingement in the cocking phase.6,7 Park et al examined a population of 388 baseball pitchers, 125 of whom (32.2%) had Bennett lesions. 2009;192: 730-735. He has full passive and active range of motion of the left shoulder that is symmetrical to his contralateral side. On conventional MR labral tears are best seen on fat-saturated fluid-sensitive sequences. There is an additional tear of the posterior inferior labrum (at approximately the 8 o'clock position) with small paralabral cyst formation and subchondral cysts in the posterior inferior glenoid. the removal of the acromion distal to the synchondrosis may further destabilize the synchondrosis and allow for In either case, the labrum can be torn off the bone. Treatment may be nonoperative or operative depending on chronicity of symptoms, degree of instability, and patient activity demands. Labral tears, such as a SLAP tear that cause a paralabral cyst, can occur due to trauma (dislocation), repetitive movement . Notice MGHL, which has an oblique course through the joint and study the relation to the subscapularis tendon. especially in the setting of an acute anterior and/or posterior labral tear. They all attach to the greater tuberosity. A SLAP tear occurs both in front (anterior) and back (posterior) of this attachment point. Low signal intensity blood clot (arrowhead) is present within the subscapularis recess. An anatomy drawing of a shoulder labrum. MRI is not uncommonly the key to the diagnosis as patients may present with vague clinical findings that are not prospectively diagnosed, in part because of the . . propagation of Bankart lesions is relatively common following shoulder dislocations, with a rate of 18.5%. Orlando Orthopaedic Center's Dr. Randy S. Schwartzberg, a board certified orthopaedic surgeon specializing in Sports Medicine, discusses what's involved with. . It is better visualized in ABER position.Articular cartilage lesions are best demonstrated with MR arthrography. True dysplasia should be visible on at least two axials slices cephalad to the most inferior slice of the glenoid (Fig. Tear of the posterior shoulder stabilizers after posterior dislocation: MR imaging and MR arthroscopic findings with arthroscopic correlation. Measurement of Friedmans angle and posterior humeral head subluxation (yellow lines depict Friedmans angle; red line depicts percentage of posterior humeral head subluxation). Posterior ossification of the shoulder: the Bennett lesion. eCollection 2021. Also, although better visualized on MRA imaging, a hypertrophied posterior glenoid labrum is evident in patients with glenoid dysplasia (Figure 17-8). 4B), which is what one would intuitively expect. Radiology. In previous studies, conventional MR sensitivity in detection of labral tears has ranged from 44% to 93% sensitivity compared with arthroscopy [1, 2].Two recent studies have assessed conventional MRI evaluation of the glenoid labrum using a 0.2-T extremity MR system. Locked posterior shoulder dislocation with multiple associated injuries. Without the rotator cuff, the humeral head would ride up partially out of the glenoid fossa, lessening the efficiency of the deltoid muscle. 2020 Aug 27;8(8):2325967120941850. doi: 10.1177/2325967120941850. Which of the listed structures augments the posterior-inferior glenohumeral ligament and is a static restraint to posterior translation of the humeral head on the glenoid when the shoulder is forward flexed, adducted, and internally rotated? The labrum in the shoulder joint is a vital component that helps stabilize the humerus and shoulder blade during movement. Findings compatible with posterior shoulder subluxation with an intramuscular tear of the teres minor, a posterior labral tear, and posterior capsular disruption. The fibers of the subscapularis tendon hold the biceps tendon within its groove. An MRI arthrogram is performed and is normal. Rotator cuff tears Am J Roentgenol. Jun 23, 2021 by . Harper and colleagues, Arthroscopic Management of Posterior Instability, Radiographic and Advanced Imaging to Assess Anterior Glenohumeral Bone Loss, Management of In-Season Anterior Instability and Return-to-Play Outcomes, Decision Making in Surgical Treatment of Athletes With First-Time vs Recurrent Shoulder Instability, Management of the Aging Athlete With the Sequelae of Shoulder Instability, Instability in the Pediatric and Adolescent Athlete, History and Examination of Posterior Instability. Glenoid retroversion has been shown to be a risk factor for posterior shoulder instability.3 In a prospective study of 714 West Point cadets who were followed for 4 years, 46 shoulders had a documented glenohumeral instability event, 7 of which (10%) were posterior instability. Notice superior labrum and attachment of the superior glenohumeral ligament. The anterosuperior labrum is absent in the 1-3 o'clock position and the middle glenohumeral ligament is usually thickened. MRI can rule out other causes of shoulder pain. Fluid distends the joint and only lies along the inner margin of the joint capsule (arrowheads). The following algorithm has been previously proposed 25. In shoulders with posterior instability, the acromion is situated higher and is oriented more horizontally in the sagittal plane than in normal shoulders and those with anterior instability. However, posterior capsular tears may also be seen in the midsubstance (Fig. It is seen in 11% of individuals. Occasionally, a SLAP (superior labrum, anterior and posterior) fracture, which represents a superior humeral head compression . It is present in 5% of the population. The blunted configuration of the posterior part means some wear and tear and erosion. Shah AA, Butler RB, Fowler R, Higgins LD. The management of these labrum injuries will depend on the classification, severity of the injury and the stability of the shoulder. In part II we will discuss shoulder instability. a painful feeling of clicking, popping or grinding in the shoulder during movement. If the arm is Our data indicated that while MRI could exclude a SLAP lesion (NPV = 95 %), MRI alone was not an accurate clinical tool. Imaging in three planes is advisable and additional orthogonal planes may be included in the protocol for a detailed assessment of the lesion. Notice the fibers of the inferior GHL. 2009 Jan;192(1):86-92. doi: 10.2214/ajr.08.1097. A useful indirect sign to be aware of, whether using MR arthrography or routine MR, is to recognize that normally the shoulder capsule should only be outlined by fluid along its inner margin. 2012 Dec;52(6):622-30. Posterior labrum tear: This tear occurs at the back of the shoulder joint. Although increased glenoid retroversion is a risk factor for posterior shoulder instability, there is little evidence to support the claim that increasing glenoid retroversion is associated with worse outcomes following posterior labral repair.12 Hurley et al found that patients with symptomatic posterior instability and glenoid retroversion of greater than 9 degrees had higher recurrence rates after open soft-tissue procedures.13 Conversely, Bigliani and colleagues performed CT scans for 16 of 35 shoulders prior to an open posterior capsular shift and found the average retroversion was 6 degrees.14 Their surgical cohort had an 80% success rate but they did not attribute their failures to osseous anatomy. Posterior instability most often occurs either as a result of high force direct trauma to the shoulder such as from a motor vehicle accident or indirect trauma such as from seizures or electrocution. On MR arthrography it is customary to combine T1, T1 FS and T2 FS sequences for further assessment. Notice that the biceps tendon is attached at the 12 o'clock position. An orthopaedic surgeon performs an arthroscopic shoulder procedure on a football player. A SLAP tear may extend to the 1-3 o'clock position, but the attachment of the biceps tendon to the superior labrum should always be involved. 1999 May 15;318(7194):1322-3 Before The glenohumeral joint has a greater range of motion than any other joint in the body. Posterior labral tearing was apparent on contiguous images (not shown). -. (16b) A fat-suppressed T2-weighted coronal image through the posterior shoulder in the same patient reveals a severe strain of the teres minor muscle along the musculotendinous junction (arrows). Lenza M, Buchbinder R, Takwoingi Y, Johnston RV, Hanchard NC, Faloppa F. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. His examination is somewhat difficult due to his large size, but no significant abnormal findings are noted. Imaging of Posterior Shoulder Instability, Josef K. Eichinger, MD, FAOA and Joseph W. Galvin, DO, FAAOS. However, imaging studies do not always demonstrate obvious pathologic findings and thus a nuanced approach to the interpretation of x-rays, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is necessary to elucidate and identify subtle findings that can enable the clinician to make the correct diagnosis. Epub 2011 Sep 9. Burkhart et al. There was a fair amount of synovitis and thickening of the capsule posteriorly and inferiorly, suggesting a reactive change. The most common types of labral tears include: SLAP tear: The term SLAP (superior -labrum anterior-posterior) refers to an injury of the superior labrum of the shoulder, at the . FOIA Arthroscopic Posterior Labral Repair - Randy S. Schwartzberg, M.D. The biggest advantage of MR arthrography comes from the joint distension, which can help spot otherwise occult tears. A Treatise on Dislocations and Fractures of the Joints. A hip (acetabular) labral tear is damage to cartilage and tissue in the hip socket. (OBQ12.268) The posterior labrum is avulsed, and stripped scapular periosteum remains attached to the posterior labrum (arrowhead). Images in the ABER position are obtained in an axial way 45 degrees off the coronal plane (figure). It is important to recognise these variants, because they can mimick a SLAP tear. When the Detection of partial-thickness supraspinatus tendon tears: is a single direct MR arthrography series in ABER position as accurate as conventional MR arthrography? This severe form is classically characterized by lack of a scapular neck, varus angulation of the humeral head, coracoid and acromial hyperplasia (Figure 17-6A), and glenoid hypoplasia with increased retroversion (Figure 17-6B). What is Anterosuperior acetabular labrum? Diagnostic arthroscopy revealed no significant glenohumeral articular defects. In patients with traumatic posterior subluxation or dislocation, injuries to labrum, capsule, bone and rotator cuff may be found, and accurate diagnosis with MRI allows the most appropriate treatment pathway to be chosen. The .gov means its official. in 2005 of 103 shoulder MR arthrograms revealed moderate to severe glenoid dysplasia in 14.3% of patients, and including mild cases increased the incidence to 39.8%.9 The study also provided a simplified classification system for glenoid dysplasia (Fig. The abduction and external rotation of the arm releases tension on the cuff relative to the normal coronal view obtained with the arm in adduction. Baseball pitchers are shown to have a high prevalence. Between 2006 and 2008, 444 patients who had both shoulder arthroscopy and an MRI (non-contrast or MR arthrography) for shoulder pain at our institution prior to surgery were identified and included in the study. Lee SB, Kim KJ, ODriscoll SW, Morrey BF, An KN Dynamic glenohumeral stability provided by the rotator cuff muscles in the mid-range and end-range of motion. The Management of Superior Labrum Anterior-Posterior Tears in the Thrower's Shoulder. Images demonstrate a non-displaced tear involving the superficial anteroinferior labrum with associated injury to the adjacent cartilage 4.. Results: When we assess the shoulder labrum there are 7 areas to look at which have some association with labral tears. Unable to process the form. (14c) An arthroscopic examination confirms the tear in the posterior capsule (arrow), which was subsequently repaired. Accessibility Mauro et al found increased retroversion in a cohort of 118 patients who were operatively treated for posterior instability in comparison with a group of normal controls, but the authors did not attribute retroversion as a risk factor for failure. Using arthroscopy as the standard, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for all MRIs, as well as separately for the non-intra-articular contrast MRI group and the MR arthrography group. A posterior labral tear is referred to as a reverse Bankart lesion, or attenuation of the posterior capsulolabral complex, and commonly occurs due to repetitive microtrauma in athletes. Fig. AJR Am J Roentgenol. The Bennett lesion (Fig. Tearing of the inferior glenohumeral ligament at the humeral attachment (blue arrow) is also evident. 22 The posterior capsulolabral complex, which is typically enlarged as compensation for the constitutional lack of osseous posterior glenoid concavity, was then mobilized, and the cartilage . Injury can also lead to a cyst that painfully compresses nerves in the shoulder. If the pre-test probability was above 90% or below 10% . This ring of cartilage encompasses the outer rim of the glenoid to provide cushiony support around the head of the humerus. An example of this position is pushing open a door with a straight arm. A 2012 meta-analysis 4 demonstrated the accuracy of MR arthrography was marginally superior, with a sensitivity of 88% vs. 76% for conventional MR, and a specificity of 93% vs.87%. Superior labral anterior posterior (SLAP) tears are injuries of the glenoid labrum. The undersurface of the supraspinatus tendon should be smooth. Posterior Labral Tear. The choice of treatment options for posterior glenohumeral instability is highly dependent upon the nature and acuity of the instability and the extent of associated injuries. subchondral cysts and osteophytes (arrow). The shoulder is primarily a ball and socket joint made up of the humerus (ball) and the glenoid (socket). Posterior labral tears will demonstrate the absence of the labrum or morphologic distortion, contrast, or fluid infiltration [].Four primary diagnostic characteristics can determine pathologic tearing versus an anatomic variant: intrasubstance signal intensity, margins, orientation, and extension. Glenoid labrum (marked lig.) Posterior capsular rupture causing posterior shoulder instability: a case report. Skeletal Radiol. These are depicted in Figure 17-7. Study the cartilage. (A) Anteroposterior radiograph of severe glenoid dysplasia showing hypoplasia of the glenoid neck (blue arrow) and coracoid enlargement (orange star). Introduction. the-glenoid labrum. The labrum has the same effect on the shoulder as the rounded lip of a golf tee has to a golf ball. Chang IY, Polster JM. This type of shoulder labral tear can lead to intermittent symptoms and only occurs in 5-10% of shoulder labral tear patients. It helps provide stability to the shoulder by . Capsule. 2012;132(7):905-19. The general approach will include an X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, or CT scan of the shoulder joint to assess the cause of the symptom. It is, however, becoming more frequently recognized, particularly in athletes such as football players and weightlifters, in which posterior glenohumeral instability has achieved increased awareness.3 As McLaughlin stated in 19634, the clinical diagnosis is clear-cut and unmistakable, but only when the posterior subluxation is suspected. An axial image in a 53 year-old male following an acute traumatic posterior dislocation reveals tears of the posterior labrum (arrow) and posterior capsule (arrowhead). On MR an os acromiale is best seen on the superior axial images. Diagnosis can be made clinically with positive posterior labral provocative tests and confirmed with MRI studies of the shoulder. Tear of the posterior shoulder stabilizers after posterior dislocation: MR imaging and MR arthrographic findings with arthroscopic correlation. (16a) An axial image in a 17 year-old female following posterior subluxation during a basketball game demonstrates humeral sided avulsion of the capsule (arrow). He has positive Kim and jerk tests and reproduction of symptoms with the shoulder in forward flexion, adduction, and internal rotation. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan may be ordered for a glenoid labrum tear diagnosis. There are many labral variants. American Journal of Roentgenology. Following plain radiographs, a CT scan is another useful imaging modality to evaluate the bony morphology of the glenoid including retroversion, glenoid dysplasia, and glenoid bone loss (GBL), and to further characterize the size and location of a reverse Hill-Sachs lesion. Keith W. Harper1, Clyde A. Helms1, Clare M. Haystead1 and Lawrence D. Higgins Glenoid Dysplasia: Incidence and Association with Posterior Labral Tears as Evaluated on MRI. Sometimes at this level labral tears at the 3-6 o'clock position can be visualized. These normal variants are all located in the 11-3 o'clock position. (2a) The fat-suppressed proton density-weighted axial image reveals alignment of the humeral head posteriorly relative to the glenoid, with an impaction fracture of the humeral head articular surface (red arrow). I don't have pain generally at all. It should always be possible to trace the middle GHL upwards to the glenoid rim and downwards to the humerus. Posterior shoulder instability is becoming increasingly recognized in young, athletic populations, especially in the military.13 Compared to anterior shoulder instability, posterior instability can be more challenging to diagnose both clinically and radiographically. A recess more than 3-5 mm is always abnormal and should be regarded as a SLAP-tear. A posterior labral tear (reverse Bankart) is also present (arrowhead), and a bone bruise is seen within the anterior humeral head (asterisk). Study the labrum in the 3-6 o'clock position. In a SLAP injury, the top (superior) part of the labrum is injured. Diagnosis of a locked posterior humeral dislocation can be avoided by recognizing on the AP Grashey radiograph the presence of the lightbulb sign (Figure 17-3A), which is the humeral head taking on a rounded appearance similar to the shape of a lightbulb because of fixed internal rotation secondary to a posterior glenohumeral dislocation.4 In addition to recognizing the lightbulb sign on an AP Grashey radiograph, an axillary x-ray will confirm the diagnosis of a locked posterior dislocation (Figure 17-3B). The rotator cuff is made of the tendons of subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor muscle. Crossref, Medline, Google Scholar; 74. 2016 Baseball Sports Medicine: Game Changing Concepts, The Batters Shoulder and Posterior Labral Tears - Christopher Ahmad, MD (BSM #6, 2016), Shoulder360 The Comprehensive Shoulder Course 2023, Shoulder loose body with posterior labral tear with posterior subluxation in 32M. (2c) Trough-like defects within both the humeral head (red arrows) and the glenoid (arrowheads) are visible on the fat-suppressed T2-weighted coronal image. In fact, the research shows that labral tears are common in people without shoulder pain and that the surgery to fix them doesn't work any better than a placebo or sham procedure. A shoulder labral tear injury can cause symptoms such as pain, a catching or locking sensation, decreased range of motion and joint instability. Surgery may be required if the tear gets worse or does not improve after physical therapy. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. 1A: The ball (humerus) normally rests within the socket (glenoid) like a golf ball on a tee. (B) Axillary radiograph of locked posterior glenohumeral dislocation. De Coninck T, Ngai S, Tafur M, Chung C. Imaging the Glenoid Labrum and Labral Tears. Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Arthroscopy. In a 20 year-old football player following acute injury, a reverse Bankart lesion is present. The labrum is the cartilage of the shoulder joint that encircles the socket to stabilize the shoulder. Insertion of the shoulder capsule onto the labrum or glenoid has been categorized previously according to a system by Mosley et al. His pain is aggravated when grappling with other wrestlers and when performing push-ups. Glenoid dysplasia/hypoplasia occurred in 19% to 35% of specimens.15,16 Additionally, several studies have identified that subtle posteroinferior glenoid deficiency and hypoplasia are significantly associated with posterior labral tears and symptomatic posterior shoulder instability.1719 Weishaupt et al18 used CT arthrograms to determine the incidence and severity of glenoid dysplasia in a population of patients with atraumatic posterior shoulder instability. . even greater mobility of the os acromiale after surgery and worsening of the impingement (4). In the shoulder, this pain is located posterior (behind) and superior (above). Additionally, a recent study by Meyer et al9 highlighted the importance of x-rays in evaluation of posterior shoulder instability. Study the cartiage. nor be effaced against the humeral head, and intra-articular contrast can enhance visualization of the tear (3). They did find that smaller glenoid width was a risk factor for failure.12. When a dislocation or subluxation occurs, the glenoid labrum is torn from the bone and the capsule is stretched. Look for variants like the Buford complex. Had axials been pre-scribed without regard to the glenoid clockface, then the 9:00 posterior posi- J Am Med Assoc 117: 510-514, 1941. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA) in diagnosing superior labral anterior-posterior (SLAP) lesions. , this pain is aggravated when grappling with other wrestlers and when performing push-ups in. Provocative tests and reproduction of symptoms, degree of instability, and rotation. Biceps tendon within its groove be effaced against the humeral attachment ( blue arrow is! Around the head of biceps tendon is attached at the 3-6 o'clock.... Which has an oblique course through the joint distension, which is what one would intuitively.. His large size, but no significant abnormal findings are noted most likely injured the! The middle GHL upwards to the humerus difficult due to his large size, but no abnormal. 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