You must log in or register to reply here. She knew what she was going back to and was willing to try. Be the bigger man and show that by example. what's My girlfriend and mother of my 2 kids is pregnant with black guys baby My g Left for the baby daddy before, can I really trust her? Once she has moved on and settled on an arrangement with him and the baby daddy has realized that she has moved on then you can step in and make and form a relationship around real feeling and not just the feeling of saving a damsel in distress and her feeling of, being alone with her child and no one to help her. He is a jack a$$ but what do we do Im trying to get a protective order against him and found out that I can get a rep to drop and pick up the child from the child support division in my state. So i leave and the next morning she texts me good morning babe I love you too and I don't wanna lose you because you different. The sickening part is that he uses the child as a way to try to win her back. I was totally out of ideas when a few months before his birthday he asked a question that would change my life forever. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Can my boyfriend still love his baby mama? Everytime I try bring stuff up with her she get a bit defensive but some of that is how I bring it up. OKAY MY BABY-DADDY HAS A GIRLFRIEND BUT HE ALWAYS TXTN ME AN Will my baby daddy ever come back to me and his daughter?? Holidays might suck. Ive learned that all you can do is continue being a responsible adult and teach the kid what a good person is so they can realize on their own that "dad", though they love him, isn't the kind of person they want to be like when they grow up. She may be on a mission to either find someone to take care of her or to make her dad mad. My girlfriends baby daddy beat her and kicked her out, and kept her child. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You dump her, and move on. To the men who are next boyfriend you have walked into drama not of your own making and you can choose to leave and walk away at anytime. But I think I can help because im a woman in the situation and my baby daddy is the dead beat. He kept changing the days he would have the kid. You re his girlfriend. I would not recommend you doing anything crazy cus we need you to be bigdaddy out here. Florida law provides for an injunction in cases of . But my girlfriend (23f)wants her son to experience positive experiences with both his parents at the same time. You live together as boyfriend and girlfriend. I run up the stairs and slam the door shut as I hear Daddy racing up the stairs again. we've have several altercations before because he doesn't like me but this last time he stated shoving me and . Many people think that fathers do not get the right to ask for child support, but this is not true. He will slut you out to this man and then leave you and your reputation in the trash. ), Girlfriend stopped calling me baby,babe,love. Then I found out that another girl with eyes for my man did just that. I did that to my baby daddy. As for my son we are doing just fine with out him and I am thankful that my son will turn out to be a better man with out him in his life. i could understand if she only wants to be "cordial" with him for the benefit of her son. Follow My Twitter: TO MY 2ND CHANNEL: channel: #fortniteFortnite Season 6 LIVE EVENT and BATTLE PASS Reaction! I think my gf 30f is planning on running away Monday 35f. Now I Don't Know Who My Child's Father Is". Stripper / Sugar Baby. You should have kicked his **** when he started to sniff around her butt again. All Rights Reserved. Just then, Vincent arrived. I am in the same situation but the ex is sort of an african muslim . Any advice would be so much appreciated because at this point I really do not know what to do. Hey Carlos I read your post and it seems like the baby dad is just giving her the guilt trip and he is messing with her head and trying to get into her brain and control it and she's weak to even let that happen but just because he sees her happy and moved on and see a man treating her right other then him he's jealous. I (31f) was blackmailed tonight over my husband's (32m) Press J to jump to the feed. 9. Annalisa Barbieri advises a reader . He's contacted me saying I'm a homewrecker and that they still have sex, go on dates etc. I hid in shame for eight months before I gave birth to a healthy baby girl with my mom and BFF at my side. Since we used condoms during our little rendezvous, I naturally assumed that positive pregnancy test I was staring at was the result of an unprotected tryst with my beau after we returned. When she drops her son off, if she forgets to leave her purse at home, he'll find a way to steal her wallet somehow because he likes to act like he's going to get his son out of the carseat, but actually sit in the front seat and harass her. As far as my landlord goes, Im not signing my lease for another year, Im suing that SOAB. Period. . He is merely their mother's new (ish) boyfriend. He is on work release but will be out by November. "Well". Don't get me wrong. And that's if that man is gone. OKAY MY BABY-DADDY HAS A GIRLFRIEND BUT HE ALWAYS TXTN ME AN Will my baby daddy ever come back to me and his daughter?? Like exactly. I hear a lot of FEAR and what ifs'. I accompany her sometimes, but hang back where he cant see, just for her protection. My girlfriends CRAZY BABY DADDY (HELP!!!!! 1, sorry daddy *smack* 2, sorry daddy . I'm 8 months Pregnant and I thought all this time me and my baby daddy were Hey guys I broke up with my baby daddy when I was 3months pregnant which My girlfriend is planning on going shopping with her ex/baby daddy. Dude(26m) is a dead beat. She's 22 (just turned 22) and her baby daddy is 21. My four-year-old daughter gets very upset about staying at her dad's - I don't know why. Answered on Jun 26th, 2018 at 7:05 AM. Step parenting is hard at the best of times. And I don't want to end up screwed out of all of this. Maybe your girlfriend should consider allowing him sometime to heal before leaving him responsible for a child in his obviously unstable state. Would love to tell you more details about the show. . Why my baby daddy keep begging for sex?!!!!! I love my dad but I've made a lot better choices in my life and am more like my mother and step father which is a far better alternative. I really love my boyfriend we been friends for 16 years and we always had feelings for each other. For the longest time- they had split custody- she would have him half a week- and he would have him the other half of the week. I(39m) ate my partners(40m) sandwich and ruined his day. And I'm afraid that my current pfa will affect my current girlfriend from winning the custody battle. I would put some distance between you and this whole issue, it reads heart break ahead once the baby daddy comes into the scene. Before I got with her they were forever doing stuff with there dad, he would hang and stuff and stty overnight often because he lived a,fair distance. Next week's blog will focus on the child support matters with new girlfriends or boyfriends. Do not quit your job if you have crotch goblins! Emma!" Daddy's grip gets tighter and tighter, it began to hurt and I cry out again - Daddy's eyes grow wide and he lets me go, as if he is frightened. It's hard due to the situation to be trusting but I see spending my life with her. Women get with these men and get pregnant and want other men to be real fathers never thinking of all the drama we end up having to deal with. And if there isn't, ask him if he'd like to spend some time with his son or daughter. Then I stared at her little face wondering how I will explain who her daddy is? He actually was mad that she got to claim their son on her tax return, and said that she owed him that money. I prayed hard for the father of my daughter to be my ex, but the joke was on me when the results confirmed that a nameless figure was the father of my child. you are 18 or older, you read and agreed to the. His gf doesn't even know we spend as much time as we do together as a to answer your question.You should be able to go with them where ever they gothat should not be a matter. He stays in touch with you even though he doesn't have to. For the most part, he is a good father, he just simply won't move on and it's destroying our relationship. My ex-boyfriend and I split up after he cheated on me, and I'm now with someone else and living in another Why ? Its just too much going on in my life right now. My parents are kicking me (18/M) out by months end. What started off as my boyfriends fantasy soon became my own and I lived and loved each minute of their simultaneous pleasures. As I waited at the bar like bait, an extremely handsome gentleman approached me and after an hour of heavy flirting he asked me up to his room. Ignoring The Father Of Your Child ~ Realize You cannot control him. I'm 27 and going through the same thing with what I wanted to be my girl. So I have this boyfriend who is a baby daddy. The Coli - The Best Hip Hop, Rap, Sports Forum and Message Board. I am soo embarrassed. For more information, please see our Now I use the term "Baby Daddy" A term which I hate btw, because this dude is just that! Should i let my girlfriend go out to places with her baby daddy still? Because I feel like it's falling more and more on her. Guess who trying to play daddy?? He may be a lousy father, and you beg and beg him to come and see your child. They haven't been together for 9 months and he swears up and down that they're together. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She still wants her father and I to do things together but because she wants her family back together. Because your life and future is too important. Is it safe leaving the child with such an abusive deadbeat. I would put some distance between you and this whole issue, it reads heart break ahead once the baby daddy comes into the scene. I've been in the picture since he was one and have a great relationship with him (the child). If necessary have him investigated because this kind of behavior is often just the tip of the iceberg. I had to put my foot down. Every couple fight now and then When they happen in dreams, their interpretation is totally opposite of the negative feelings of your dream. Daughters of narcissistic fathers may feel they . There's a greater chance that seeing the "real man" you now have will light a fire under his butt to get his act together. What a shit show. Baby Daddy Issues Trust Issues am I crazy??? But making the wrong decision will end up with you spending time in jail or dead while she this beef between her and him continue. the problem is not the baby daddy it's your girlfriend. I played my boyfriends plans off as my own and lured the beautiful stranger in. Will my baby daddy ever come back to me and his daughter?? It's . The main focus should always be the best interests of the child, above all else. If at all possible, you want your new guy and baby daddy to at least be civil to each other. I'm like aw man not this..but I don't say anything about it .but she does. "Baby you still have five more but I'll make them quick ones sweety" he says calmly. Put your whole focus on yourself and your baby! I tried giving her a kiss but there was nothing to meet me on the lipsso I kissed her on the cheek and forehead for a long time I held it there so she could feel my emotion to her .I asked her about breaking up but said no idk I don't want you out of my life. Send a cease and desist to the landlord. All 6 answers and this one is telling you to let go and start building your own life! Seriously don't sit around waiting for something bad to happen. Sorry, but it sounds more like you have a personal beef with him, rather than looking out for baby and your girlfriend. He uses his daughter as a means to mentally abuse my girlfriend and even tries to get her to resent her mom. But you really don't need this reminder - you remember them every single second of every single day. And I'm also feeling like she's helping her ex out more and more. Dump the bf. My baby daddy said he isnt done with me but he has a girlfriend going on a IM STILL IN LOVE WITH MY BABY DADDY EVEN THOUGH HE IS WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND O Is it selfish for me to pray for my ex to leave her abusive baby daddy and give us another chance? He was recently literally hospitalized because he stole 3000 from the safe of the girl he was dating about 3 months ago and she told her brothers and cousins. She told me that I have no right to feel the way I feel because her ex is the child's father. I'm with a new girlfriend now who is currently pregnant and her ex who is the father, is trying to fight for custody of the baby and he had already lost custody of his first kid with another girl. Accept it, in order to let go. Soon the time came for us to fulfill his fantasy, all we needed was a man. Roll into a ball to protect yourself if this doesn't work out. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. 3. You do not live together as husband and wife. I rather put a third party between us.Cause seriously people get hurt or die because of this. In the first year or so after you lose your Dad, people might tell you that the holidays "Are a time to remember your loved one.". And she didn't wanna give me a straight answer on what she wanted ..I hugged her that night and she didn't hug me the same way she use to. I conceived the weekend we went away and since I had sex with two men, I had no clue who the father was. If the girl is strong enough to get through with leaving and handling her own business than she will be worth staying with but if your constantly fighting her fight's and trying to step into a situation that she is the only one that can make better for herself than your going to be fighting your entire relationship with the baby daddy because remember; they have a child and a father will fight until the end for his son/daughter against another man, but he will stop if the mother makes things clear about their situation. MY GIRLFRIENDS DAD WANTS TO FIGHT ME in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 gameplaySUBSCRIBE \u0026 CLICK THE BELL! Guys that get involved with women that have children needs to accept that if the father wants to be an active parent, the new guy should butt out. Just a gut feel and my gut feel is usually spot fucking on. A lot of the time, the girl needs time to grow and figure out what she wants and needs for her child, but she wont get a chance if she gets into another relationship right away. You should not be threatened by anyone, period, especially with a threat of physical violence. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. So yeah we're dating and everything's a dream.and then this happens the father of the kid comes back . Need help with your relationship? My girlfriends baby daddy Howdy yall, any tips on dealing with significant others baby daddy. If were that easy I don't think this would have been forum. 4. 10. He has her thinking that she is a horrible mother (which she is far from) and that she is ruining her child's life. Also the advice I can give to you is leave social networking it does nothing but cause drama I have done that and now I focus on other parts of my life can't say no more drama cuz well then that would be immposible lol but hey focus on you till you find the one, Thanks man I'm pretty much doing that haha I've deleted all pics of her from my phone and just try not to think about her at all .people just say if it was real she'll come back of not then it wasn't .I'm basically gonna take a break a very long break from relationships as a whole haha I'm just tired of it already itll pass tho I'll keep to my own for awhile .I kinda have a plan of 5 months or so to do some self polishing my image so when she sees me I hope she says to herself how she messed up . You register and agreed to the situation but the ex is sort an. Leaving the child 's father telling you to let go and start taking part in conversations where he see. 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