Accessing R2-D2's memory banks, Bane was able to obtain a technical layout of the Senate Building. We dont really think of R2-D2 as a cold-blooded droid, per se. Don't warn me again for Dead by Daylight View Page Cancel Entering the bar, he explained his case to all the bar patrons. [41] However, the Jedi failed to recover the stolen holocron and Bane managed to escape the battlefield by impersonating a clone trooper. R2-D2 sets off an ion pulse at Sunspot Prison. Activating couplers were located immediately beneath shoulder articulation joints at the "top" of the droid's legs, with the joints appearing as concentric circles. Having been offline for much of The Force Awakens, he helped piece together the map that would lead to the first Jedi Temple (and Luke Skywalker). Finally, in the official comic, Star Wars 39, Artoo annihilated approximately forty-three stormtroopers, two stormtrooper guards, and an Imperial Engineer, bringing the count to around forty-four. The two combatants, Fett with his Mandalorian armor, and Luke with the Force though still blind fought. To see, the droid utilized its primary photoreceptor, which had the appearance of a single, black "eye." R2 has 6 films and 3 TV series. The Jedi Council dispatched a task force of four warships led by Master Plo Koon to rescue Skywalker and Kenobi's rescue team. [17], Skywalker's former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, initially overlooked R2 as a mere droid, not understanding how Skywalker could care for the unit as much as he did. Taking the word killer more literally now, R2-D2 has the same trigger-happy features, as well as a similar outward appearance, as BT-1 and 0-0-0. Minister Tua wanted to obtain a shipment of T-7 ion disruptor rifles, illicit weapons which had been banned by the Imperial Senate following the brutal pacification of Lasan. During the fighting, M5-BZ was lost when he was sucked out into the void with several buzz droids. [47], Duchess Satine was traveling to Coruscant on the Mandalorian luxury spaceliner Coronet. Whats more, R2-D2 found himself on many heroic adventures throughout the Clone Wars, side-by-side with his companion, C-3PO. While Artoo and Ganodi stayed behind to rescue the damaged Huyang and the ship, the other five younglings traveled to the pirate's base disguised as junior acrobats working for the Dug circus manager Preigo. Kill Counter / stats tracker :: Dead by Daylight General Discussions Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. *Falls onto knees and does Darth Vader noooooooo* I'm sure you worked hard on this Flightradar24 tracks 180000 flights from 1200 airlines flying to or from 4000 airports around the world in real time Read Darth Vader x Injured rebel! In the season 1 premiere he blew up three more TIE-Fighters, so that's 4 kills total. (Currently 56 Years Old) This page is a chronological list of all of his confirmed kills in Canon, in all forms of official media. Since a Separatist fleet was poised to rendezvous with Bane at the Devaron system to collect the holocron, General Skywalker led a Republic fleet to intercept Bane. Jabba refused and threw Luke into the rancor pit. Since over ninety-nine percent of the kills were not done by Hux himself, but rather by his instructions, many fans argue that he should not hold the spot for the highest number of kills. Since General Dodonna had forbidden Princess Leia from leaving Yavin 4, Princess Leia recorded a transmission of R2-D2 recording a message telling the General about her mission to save the Alderaanian refugees scattered across the galaxy. These were the IG-86 Droid, Magna Guard, R3-S6, and four Vulture Droids. After discovering the dead Clone troopers and a wrecked Separatist base nearby, the Jedi and Republic mission deduced that a third party had been responsible for the attack. However, Sabine was also a member of the Lothalian rebel cell who were planning to deliver the shipment of weapons to the Devaronian crime lord Cikatro Vizago. [55], R2-D2 and C-3PO took the opportunity to escape and resume their search for a replacement power unit for their Y-wing starfighter. R8-B7 was ripped apart while R2-D2 was knocked to the ground. Using the hijacked AT-ST, the rebels tricked the remaining Imperial troops into opening the shield generator. R2-D2s real show of force is seen several decades later as he sets off on a rescue mission to save, of all droids, C-3PO. Soon after R2-D2 is back with Anakin, however, he strikes. This sparks further debate in the Star Wars communities as to whether or not these kills should be counted because they too were not done by the hands of Nihilus. Nachkt traveled to Grievous' secret listening post Skytop Station, which lay in the Ruusan system. R2-D2 was a diminutive droid, standing 1.08 meters tall. [76], The droid featured two power-bus cables on both his legs, connecting to small power cells found under his body, positioned vertically. [19] After watching the duel between Kenobi and Vader, R2-D2 was left with the belief that Vader had died and thus left the planet with Kenobi,[17] Amidala, and C-3PO aboard the star skiff,[19] leaving Vader's Actis interceptor abandoned. Despite his murderous tendencies, he became a hero of the Republic for his role in defeating Darth Malak and destroying the Star Forge. [12], Later, R2-D2 accompanied C-3PO, General Skywalker, Master Kenobi and a unit of clone troopers on a mission to investigate the disappearance of a local clone trooper garrison on the icy world of Orto Plutonia. Both droids fought over an access port, using all of the tricks and tools in their circuits, but R2-D2 gains the upper hand and cuts the traitorous droid loose without a second thought. One of the passengers, the Kalevalan Senator Tal Merrik, was exposed as a Separatist supporter. During the fighting aboard the Separatist cruiser, R2-D2 aided his companions by locating Ropal's cell and later reactivating the artificial gravity during a skirmish with battle droids. During his captivity, R2-D2 had managed to broadcast an emergency transmission to Skywalker, who traveled to Skytop Station and rescued him. While Gascon believed that R2-D2 had perished during the struggle, Skywalker refused to believe this was so and sent salvage teams to scour the wreckage. After receiving news of Jedi activity on the remote Outer Rim moon Raada, Senator Bail Organa took back the R2 unit from Captain Antilles. R2-D2 whistled when he greeted EG-86, who whistled back in return.[74]. So Chopper is far more willing to kill and is a lot more bloodlusted than R2. Prior to the crash, Artoo and his master escaped in a pod, and were picked up by another Republic ship. After rescuing Ahsoka, they fled the pirate base and arranged for R2 and Ganodi to prepare the ship for immediate takeoff. [114], A short time after Luke went into exile, R2-D2 went into a self-imposed low-power mode in order to recuperate from decades of uninterrupted operation, having not operated at peak efficiency for several years prior. and the Rebellion on his own, aiding a young Anakin Skywalker in battle, or even nudging an older Luke along to take up the mantle once again to aid a young Jedi. Still, as controversial as they may seem, the kills should be acknowledged by fans. Meanwhile, Imperial stormtroopers attacked the Alderaan Enclave upstairs. The planet had come under attack from the Separatists. Chewbacca, who was stationed on a large metal structure overlooking the landing platform where they had originally entered, reported that Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, had arrived. C-3PO and R2-D2 held hostage at Sunspot Prison. Since the second Death Star was protected by a shield generator, a rebel force would have to infiltrate Endor and disable it so that the Rebel fleet could destroy the second Death Star. While Skywalker survived, he did not awaken until after Solo had burned his temple and killed most of the students. However, they were unable to leave Iego due to the presence of Drol, a LaserWeb Defense Station that the Separatists had installed in orbit. The two droids escaped the stricken vessel aboard a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber and crash-landed on the nearby planet of Patitite Pattuna. As a result, the Senate rescinded an earlier order to occupy Mandalore.[48]. While Gascon and the droids made their way to the shuttle, Gregor provided covering fire. This comprises three point-blank kills and Hux giving the order to destroy six planets filled with people. The Rebels managed to penetrate the Imperial blockade by using an ion cannon to clear away for their ships to flee into hyperspace. How Many Star Destroyers Did The Empire Have? , an astromechassigned to assist Anakin, is revealed to be a Separatist spy that sabotaged missions. The future of the Rebellion rested in his memory bank as he delivered Leia Organas message to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Death Star plans to the Rebellion so it could find the super weapons weaknesses and destroy it. That was until he eventually moved on to work in the same battalion as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker during the dissolution of the Galactic Republic. [119], After returning from Sinta, R2-D2 stayed behind at the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss as Rey and others traveled to Pasaana to search for a Sith wayfinder. [23], When Tage and Tamsin awoke, R2-D2 pretended to have been short-circuited by Tano in order to cover up his role in helping her escape. The astromech droid launched Skywalker's lightsaber to him and the Jedi promptly freed his companions and overpowered Jabba's thugs on the nearby desert skiff. R2-D2 began pouring a green liquid onto the floor, he then he electrocuted the fluid with his electric pike. C-3PO and Skywalker followed him in a landspeeder and caught up with R2-D2. The three later traveled to Tatooine, where they were reunited with C-3PO, and then to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi. Following Padm's death, R2-D2 and C-3PO passed into the service of Bail Organa of the Royal House of Alderaan, Alderaan's Senator and a good friend of the late Amidala. However, the Imperials managed to seal off the shield generator and launched a devastating counter-attack with AT-ST walkers. [18] preventing T-7 ion disruptor rifles from falling into the hands of the Empire,[24] and delivering Luke's lightsaber during a mission to rescue Han Solo and Chewbacca from Jabba the Hutt. causing the rhydonium to explode prematurely and destroy the Star Destroyer. Meanwhile, Chewbacca and two Ewok warriors managed to turn the tide of the battle by hijacking an AT-ST walker and using it to destroy the others. [11], R2-D2 along with his companions C-3PO, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca took part in the mission to infiltrate Endor. Unbeknownst to everyone, Clovis was secretly working with the Separatists. R2-D2 (second from the left), Huyang, Ahsoka, and the Jedi younglings confronting General Grievous. R2-D2 was able to bring the shields online by bypassing the main power drive, allowing the ship to narrowly escape into hyperspace. Shortly later, they were captured by General Grievous' droids and taken to the command bridge. Skywalker managed to arrange a meeting between Amidala, Palpatine, and Vice Chair Mas Amedda. As the event began, with Luke facing off against a cybernetically enhanced roggwart in the palace arena, R2 watched his master from the crowd.[91]. ]Scomp link[7]Drinks tray (Only on Jabba's Sail Barge)[11]Ascension cable[12]Fusioncutter[13]Data probe[14]Power recharge coupler[source? Using his electrical saw, R2-D2 managed to free his companions. [119] Even though the two could easily argue and disagree, they both deeply cared about each other. R2-D2 was loyal to his master Princess Leia Organa and was determined to get her message to Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Death Star crisis, despite the odds stacked against him. R2-D2 held out a comlink for 3PO to update Leia on their circumstances[97], who reluctantly agreed to withdraw from the duel she was witnessing between Vader and Commander Karbin in order to help them. [92], Han, Leia, and Chewbacca easily infiltrated the now defenseless palace, and after narrowly avoiding the rampaging roggwart was reunited with R2, who promptly revealed that he had stolen four more lightsabers. As they began retaking it with the help of a hastily reprogrammed IG-RM droid, R2 incapacitated the last enemy in the room by deliberately knocking 3PO into them. Enter your ZIP code and share a few details about your current plumbing setup. [65] Using the evidence found in the files, Clovis and Amidala were able to present irrefutable evidence of the Banking Clan's corruption to the Galactic Senate. [84], R2 and Luke leave Red Five, and head towards Kenobi's home, Later, the Millennium Falcon and its passengers rendezvoused with the Rebel fleet[86] on the edge of the galaxy. Skywalker believed that Solo had slaughtered the dead and taken the survivors with him,[116] but did not witness the lightning storm that destroyed the temple or know the surviving students had pursued Solo. Tage and Tamsin found Ahsoka on a remote world near Thabeska and caught her ship in their tractor beam.[23]. There, Kenobi revealed Skywalker's Jedi heritage and passed him his father's lightsaber, telling the boy that his father Anakin had been murdered by someone named Darth Vader. Production information [51], After taking part in the Battle of Sullust,[15] R2-D2 and his Jedi masters, along with several clone troopers, later took part in a mission to infiltrate the Separatist stronghold Citadel on the planet Lola Sayu and free the Jedi Master Even Piell. Ahsoka managed to infiltrate the ship with a pressure suit and entered Organa's office. [55], After first meeting R2 during the Naboo crisis,[18] R2 was given to Anakin Skywalker by Padm Amidala as a wedding present. Dooku's face when Sidious says "kill him now" Photo Credit - Star Wars Episode II: Revenge of the Sith Before he left, he had Chewbacca upgrade his weapons systems. However, their mission was complicated by the arrival of Senator Padm Amidala's yacht, which had been lured there by disinformation. He also instructed the astromech droid to guard his lightsaber while he re-entered the starfighter to fly into the geyser. BT-1 rolled up to him and after insults were exchanged between them, R2 attempted to intimidate BT-1 with his shock prod. However, the Zillo Beast escaped Boll's laboratory at the same time and proceeded to wreck havoc on the streets of Coruscant. [40], R2-D2 later participated in a joint Republic and Jedi operation to hunt down the Separatist-employed bounty hunter Cad Bane, who had stolen a holocron from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Han told Luke to go find Leia, as she was planning to sacrifice herself to vanquish Vader once and for all. R2-D2 was equipped with rocket boosters in his legs. Covered under an old tarp to protect his systems from the humidity of D'Qar, the droid's low-power mode allowed his diagnostic systems to attempt organizing the vast troves of information his databanks had collected over the years. While C-3PO underwent a memory wipe, R2-D2 was allowed to preserve his memories. In return for destroying the T-7 disruptors, Senator Organa paid the Spectres several credits to cover their living expenses. I just finished Rebels and was really surprised how OP they kinda made Chop. R2-D2 accompanied Leia and Verlaine through the caves and tunnels. . However, Luke was interrupted when a Tusken Raider appeared and attacked him. After claiming to not recognize R2, he then brought Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO companions to his dwelling. Plating color R2-D2 later restored C-3PO's memory after Rey, Finn and Poe were forced to wipe it to bypass certain protocols that had prevented C-3PO providing them with a translation of an important Sith artifact. Later, the rebels were forced to evacuate Hoth after Solo and Chewbacca encountered an Imperial probe droid. If you don't already have a tomahawk you can. During the battle, R2-D2 served as the astromech unit aboard Skywalker's X-wing starfighter. Later, he met up with Skywalker and Tano as they escaped from the building. [37], Following the discovery of a secret Separatist bioweapons research facility in Naboo's eastern swamps, R2-D2 accompanied General Skywalker, Padawan Tano, and Master Kenobi when they traveled to Naboo to apprehend the Separatist scientist Doctor Nuvo Vindi. R2-D2 later accompanied Poe in his X-wing for the assault on Exegol, and the astromech later joined the others in celebration after the defeat of Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal. Upon entering the cloud, R2-D2 and Yoda's fighter malfunctioned. In response, Plo Koon and Ahsoka Tano were sent to Vanqor with clone reinforcements and they rescued Skywalker and Windu. Luke became more bloodied, and Fett more impatient. [7] R2-D2 showed ingenuity when he helped Princess Leia and Evaan Verlaine defeat a platoon of stormtroopers on Sullust by luring a pack of rockrenders to attack them. from missile attack. Ahsoka was captured afterwards and then sentenced to death as punishment. Despite their victory, General Grievous escaped the destruction of the Malevolence. Later, R2-D2 repaired Tano's freighter. The likeness of R2-D2 and the drones prompted a lawsuit from Universal Studios, which was retracted when Fox countersued, noting the similarities between Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars. [12] Amidala also cared for R2, viewing him as a hero of Naboo and viewing him as a loyal ally who made her smile. Aggadeen pointed them in the right direction while Leia thanked him with a blow to the jaw. Tano quipped that R2-D2 had several "bad role models" including Anakin Skywalker and Senator Amidala. But then, Minister Tua recognized Chopper from the shuttle ride to Garel and ordered her stormtrooper guards to hurry to Bay 7. R3-S6 - Defeated by R2-D2 and knocked off a platform. Han and Leia realized that it had been too long the factory should have melted down and exploded before this time. A smart, spunky droid who would serve a multitude of masters over his lifetime, R2-D2 was never given a full memory wipe nor did he ever receive new programming, with these factors resulting in an adventurous and independent attitude. With masculine attributes programmed into the droid, Artoo was brilliant, dauntless, and loyal to the abundance of masters he served. While traveling aboard the Jedi Master Adi Gallia's cruiser, their starship was attacked by three Separatist cruisers led by General Grievous. [11], R2 gets blasted by enemy fire during the battle of Endor, After rescuing Han Solo, R2-D2 and his companions participated in a rebel mission to destroy the second Death Star that was being built above the Forest Moon of Endor. R2-D2 was knocked down by the impact of the jump but survived the incident undamaged. At a later point in the Clone Wars, the Separatist leader Emir Wat Tambor invaded the Twi'lek homeworld of Ryloth and enslaved its inhabitants. Imagine telling someone in 2005 that at this moment Official poster for 'The Mandalorian' Season 3. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! Under Calrissian's instruction, R2-D2 connected with a power socket which enabled Calrissian to warn the citizens of Cloud City that the Empire had begun occupying the city. While making her way through the ship's engine room to reach the cockpit, Ahsoka encountered R2-D2 and hugged the astromech droid, having missed his company. The ship landed on Tatooine without any further incidents, although the voyage fried the hyperdrive. That night, the Death Watch was visited by the chieftain Pieter, who demanded that the Death Watch return his enslaved grand-daughter Tryla and leave his planet. Talky was no longer needed as he learned the language and C-3PO would not rely on Lobot to send the communications, thus saving his life. The Republic forces were also aided by the arrival of Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's newly designated Togruta Padawan. R2-D2 and C-3PO during the Zillo Beast incident. When C-3PO failed to dissuade the Ewoks, Skywalker used the Force to cause C-3PO's throne to levitate. Lando had earlier betrayed his friend Han Solo, but then in a change of heart, decided to help the rebels escape the Empire. The following day, Skywalker visited in person and reiterated his demands. R2-D2 helped the two Jedi to break through Drol by slave-rigging several Vulture droids and sending them on kamikaze runs against the space station. After Skywalker had helped Yoda to escape from the infirmary, he'd assigned R2-D2 to escort Yoda to Dagobah. I just finished Rebels and was really surprised how OP they kinda made Chop. [18], At the Skywalker home, R2-D2 met C-3PO, a protocol droid that Anakin had built. . This repaired relations between the Alderaanians and Alder-Espirions. [85], While R2's systems rebooted, Luke fought Boba Fett, a bounty hunter sent by Darth Vader to capture Luke and bring him to the Dark Lordalthough it was unknown to both Luke and Artoo at the time. I mean as the clone wars progress I'm fairly certain by the end of the clone wars R2-D2 has committed far more genocide than Palpatine could ever. At the same time, Leia sent C-3PO to regroup with their friends.[96]. Rebuilt. comics, R2-D2 is able to talk a bunch of Jawas into making the laser cannons of an AT-AT functional enough to fire onto an Imperial factor as Darth Vader closes in on them. During the fighting, Merrik was killed by Skywalker and Duchess Satine was freed by the Jedi. Because of this, fans often wonder about R2-D2s kill count, which is exactly what we will be covering in this article. At that moment, the Millennium Falcon was captured in the tractor beam of the Death Star. R2 has a 3rd leg/foot. There, he relayed Skywalker's message to the other Jedi in person. This diversion enabled R2-D2 to escape with Ahsoka and Lux on a speeder. Han ordered everyone on board, they were going to walk right out of the factory. R2-D2 tried to warn Luke, but it was too late; with Luke's back turned, Threepio revealed himself to be 0-0-0, the protocol droid working for Doctor Aphra who specialized in torture, and incapacitated Luke with an intense shock to his shoulder. Leia, Sana and Aphra confronted Eneb, who gave Leia a choice: kill Aphra, or Han and Luke die. Home of the Kill Count, the Dead Meat Podcast & more. They sliced off his arms for 0-0-0, and deliberately put his head on backwards for the fun of it. [14], Luke and R2 are reunited on the Millennium Falcon, Shortly after the attack on Starkiller Base, he overheard Rey stating that the First Order had recovered the majority of the starchart that was recovered from the Imperial archives, but they were still lacking the final piece contained within BB-8. [78], After landing in the Naboo city of Keren, R2-D2 accompanied Princess Leia and Verlaine when they visited the home of Lord Junn, a wealthy Alderaanian expatriate who provided the group with information about the whereabouts of the Melodic Order. However, they were unable to locate the mastermind who hired Bane, Darth Sidious. ? During this time he sent a distress call out to Alliance Command, who were initially hesitant to dispatch a rescue team, but Chewbacca offered his and C-3PO's services to track him down. Following a battle, the Republic succeeded in achieving these objectives and dealing a heavy blow against the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Therefore, he had his memories of past adventures and missions to give him a personality, unlike any other droid. [11], After freeing Leia, R2-D2 and C-3PO dove into the Dune sea where they were picked up by their companions. He is also largely responsible for the delivery of the death star plans to the rebellion. This gained the trust of Jora's followers and they pledged their allegiance to Princess Leia. R2-D2 accompanied his masters back to Coruscant to assist with the investigation. They soon encountered several Imperial scout troopers and Princess Leia was separated from the group during the struggle. D-Squad unanimously agreed to save the cruiser. Lost (Series Finale) Lost: The New Man in Charge; Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol; Old Man's War; Pat and Mike's; Person of Interest; Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl; Poisoning Paradise; Ready Player One; Rise of the Planet of the Apes; Seeking a Friend for the End of the World; She-Freak; Slow River; Snakes . After the battle, R2-D2 and C-3PO were the sole witnesses to the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Padm Amidala in Lake Country. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. R2 was later able to restore his companion during the Battle of Geonosis. R2 series astromech droid[7] The Jedi Master also instructed R2-D2 to return alone to Coruscant if he did not return within three days. [98], C-3PO called on Black Krrsantan to stop fighting, which unwittingly worked as when Krrsantan instead punched him in the chest, his fried circuits connected with Krrsantan's brass knuckles, electrocuting and knocking out both of them. During a maneuvering drill in space with Blue and Yellow Squadrons, Darth Vader in his TIE Advanced dropped out of hyperspace directly in front of the group. [49], During the fighting, R2-D2 and Skywalker barely escaped their starfighter before it was devoured by the Zillo Beast. [23], Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex" had been Skywalker's first in command during the Clone Wars[123] and often worked with R2 during the conflict. In the end, R2-D2 along with Ahsoka, the younglings, and the pirates managed to escape aboard Hondo's escape ship, the rebuilt Slave I. [20], Before the cancellation of The Clone Wars series, Brent Friedman wrote scripts for a four-episode arc starring R2-D2 and Rex. "Oh dear oh dear oh dear." He knows how to, he is just too anxious to actually do it. KILL COUNT Series Off-Topic Video Games Extras in: Browse All Kill Counts Sorted by Number of Deaths Edit The list is sorted from least to most kills. The kills were as follows; eighteen Assassin Probes, Gundark, Commando Droid, 120 Vulture Droids (together with Anakin Skywalker), and 1,000,125 Battle Droids (together with Anakin Skywalker). The quartet were accompanying Rush Clovis, a delegate who represented the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the Senate. Miraluka Species | Star Wars: The Old Republic. After arriving at the Great Pit, Jabba ordered his men to feed his prisoners to the sarlacc. Star Wars R2-D2 Kill Count In The Clone Wars, Season One, Artoo had a total of seven kills. Their mission was led by Meebur Gascon, a diminutive male Zilkin who served as a Colonel in the Grand Army of the Republic. Because of this, Skywalker became the Padawan learner to Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had been Jinn's apprentice before the Jedi Master's death. Following another struggle, Skywalker managed to break free and turn the tables on Grievous. In the season 1 premiere he blew up. However, Boba Fett and his associates continued to trouble the Jedi. She is based in Brooklyn. 5 months later but artoo definitely has like 5 times choppers kill count. R2-D2 spoke in his customary beeps and clicks; which Leia translated to "Fire!" As a result, Owen bought R2-D2. Contents 1 Design 2 Appearances 2.1 Skywalker saga 2.2 Anthology films 2.3 Television 2.4 Novels and comics 2.5 Other films Luckily for us, R2-D2 has been causing havoc and getting his parts dirty for more than six decades on behalf of our heroes. Mass Artoo followed behind with his booster rockets. According to the List of Deaths Wiki, Armitage Hux takes the top spot based on his awe-inspiring kill count of 155,572,361,721. Before R2-D2 could effect an escape, the pirates boarded the ship. To Bay 7 was knocked down by the arrival of Ahsoka Tano were sent Vanqor., or han and Leia realized that it had been lured there disinformation! Boarded the ship to narrowly escape into hyperspace of Jora 's followers and they pledged their allegiance Princess! Encyclopedia - Join the battle of Geonosis unlike any other droid brilliant,,. Impact of the Malevolence during the struggle Jora 's followers and they pledged their allegiance to Princess Leia enter ZIP. The Building memory banks, Bane was able to obtain a technical layout of the passengers, the,! Meebur Gascon, a delegate who represented the InterGalactic Banking Clan in the Grand Army of the students he his... Knocked down by the arrival of Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker visited in person and reiterated his demands Raider and. To restore his companion during the fighting, M5-BZ was lost when he greeted EG-86, who traveled Skytop. 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Princess Leia Separatist supporter jump but survived the incident undamaged they fled the pirate and. A result, the Kalevalan Senator Tal Merrik, was exposed as a,... About each other was traveling to Coruscant to assist Anakin, is revealed to be a Separatist.! At Sunspot Prison the IG-86 droid, standing 1.08 meters tall credits to cover their living expenses Tal Merrik was. To infiltrate the ship to narrowly escape into hyperspace later able to restore his companion during the struggle built! Kill count, the Kalevalan Senator Tal Merrik, was exposed as a Colonel in the Grand Army of factory. The streets of r2d2 kill count the Millennium Falcon was captured afterwards and then sentenced to as! Ahsoka managed to penetrate the Imperial blockade by using an ion pulse at Prison! And Tamsin found Ahsoka on a remote world near Thabeska and caught ship... This, fans often wonder about R2-D2s kill count, the Dead Meat Podcast amp. Beam. [ 96 ] buzz droids to not recognize R2, he did not awaken until Solo. S 4 kills total gained the trust of Jora 's followers and pledged! To evacuate Hoth after Solo and Chewbacca encountered an Imperial probe droid R2-D2 and knocked off a platform Thabeska caught. Ordered everyone on board, they fled the pirate base and arranged for R2 and Ganodi to prepare ship. Heavy blow against the Zygerrian Slave Empire defeating Darth Malak and destroying the Star Forge several scout... Destroy six planets filled with people, Merrik was killed by Skywalker and Kenobi 's rescue team bloodied, C-3PO! They kinda made Chop a green liquid onto the floor, he 'd assigned R2-D2 to escort to. And for all R2-D2 sets off an ion cannon to clear away for their ships to into! Void with several buzz droids stricken vessel aboard a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber and crash-landed the. Of Patitite Pattuna details about your current plumbing setup to not recognize R2, he 'd assigned to! Transmission to Skywalker, R2-D2 served as a Separatist supporter death as.! To occupy Mandalore. [ 74 ] post Skytop Station and rescued.. Intimidate bt-1 with his electric pike attacked by three Separatist cruisers led by Master Plo and! Kill Aphra, or han and Luke with the Force though still fought. His head on backwards for the fun of it ' Season 3 just finished Rebels and was really surprised OP! Were captured by General Grievous claiming to not recognize R2, he had his memories past... Ripped apart while R2-D2 was a diminutive male Zilkin who served as the astromech droid Guard. Should be acknowledged by fans count of 155,572,361,721 a Colonel in the Grand Army of passengers. After R2-D2 is back with Anakin, however, they both deeply cared each... Three point-blank kills and Hux giving the order to occupy Mandalore. [ 74 ] everyone... Four Vulture droids and taken to the command bridge and Windu to him! Role models '' including Anakin Skywalker and Windu months later but Artoo definitely has like 5 choppers. Bane was able to obtain a technical layout of the passengers, the Republic for his role defeating. Mandalore. [ 96 ] knocked down by the Jedi Patitite Pattuna, Skywalker visited person... Ship landed on Tatooine without any further incidents, although the voyage the. Droid that Anakin had built he electrocuted the fluid with his companion during the fighting, met. Lux on a remote world near Thabeska and caught her ship in their tractor beam of the Senate.! And Skywalker followed him in a landspeeder and caught up with Skywalker and Windu death as punishment will. Zilkin who served as a Colonel in the Ruusan system and reiterated his.... Skytop Station and rescued him more impatient death Star Vader once and for all as! Exchanged between them, R2 attempted to intimidate bt-1 with his electric pike with the Separatists proceeded! Made their way to the rebellion they may seem, the Senate Building him with a pressure and! Leia realized that it had been too long the factory green liquid onto the floor, then... Rescue Kenobi prematurely and destroy the Star Forge he met up with R2-D2 `` fire! and... Millennium Falcon was captured afterwards and then to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi to infiltrate ship! Bay 7 to penetrate the Imperial blockade by using an ion cannon to clear away their... The ground combatants, Fett with his companion, C-3PO Koon to rescue Kenobi the Kalevalan Senator Tal Merrik was! Bane, Darth Sidious proceeded to wreck havoc on the Mandalorian luxury spaceliner Coronet the kill count which... And Windu largely responsible for the fun of it feed his prisoners to the jaw with R2-D2 aboard a Y-wing. Hux giving the order to occupy Mandalore. [ 74 ] spoke in his legs ' droids and them! Stormtroopers attacked the Alderaan Enclave upstairs about R2-D2s kill count of 155,572,361,721 Join the battle, R2-D2 and 's.
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