), including whether an appeal or a proceeding has been transferred; the appealable paper, followed by the name of the court and the judge's name where appropriate; and the entry date. ), entered September 7, 2001. . Illustrations. New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905) (showing the Supreme Court's historical interpretation of the Due Process Clause as solely protecting an individual's right to contract), with McDonald v. Chicago , 561 U.S. 742 (2010) (incorporating the Second Amendment using the Due Process Clause), BMW of North America, Inc. v. Gore , 517 U.S. 559 (1996 . If the end of a word is omitted or altered and the immediately succeeding language is omitted, use brackets and an ellipsis to indicate those changes. Cal. For this rule, the following is an example of the Bluebook's citation to the Court of Appeals: Kenford Co. v. County of Erie, 73 N.Y.2d 312, 537 N.E.2d 176, . Omit the words "the Application of" and "for a judgment under CPLR article 78" in CPLR article 78 proceeding titles. Office of Reporter of Decisions STYLE SHEET Effective July 03, 2018, and Subject to Revision. Consult standard citation authorities for information regarding the use of signals, their order when using two or more and the order of authorities after each signal. These changes demonstrate our increasing reliance on technology and the growing acceptance of the use of Internet material. Peter Preiser, 1985 Supplementary Practice Commentary (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 11A, CPL 240.50, 1991 Supp Pamph at 203) discusses . "U" designation for unpublished cases. Provide the case name, citation, court, decision date and docket or index number. Appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County (Laura Drager, J. "at," use in citation to particular page. Supreme Court Abbreviations State: Supreme Court Abbreviations (or court of last resort) Alabama . The 21st edition of the Bluebook has brought these tables into alignment, creating a unified set of abbreviations across T6, T10, and T13, with one abbreviation per word. For California Court of Appeals cases, use Cal. ), rendered July 27, 1999. Proceeding, pursuant to NY Constitution, article VI, 22 and Judiciary Law 44, to review a determination of respondent State Commission on Judicial Conduct, dated August 7, 1998. An ellipsis is three points, with spaces before each and after the third ( . Cite an e-book as in the example below. Abandoned Property Law 103 (a) (as amended by L 1944, ch 498) provides . It also prescribes the style applied by the Law Reporting Bureau in editing the opinions for publication in the Reports. Model colloquy scripts prepared by the Unified Court System Committee for Criminal Jury Instructions and Model Colloquies are cited as follows. See section 1.3. HTML) that does not contain fixed reference points, but may be included if the source is in a format (e.g. . Place the ellipsis after the punctuation if the omitted material follows the punctuation (word, . . . using the Bluebook provide the correct citation to the following fictional cases. or (And a Third-Party Action.). 1, 2011]). ), entered January 7, 2002 in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78. The order denied defendant's motion for summary judgment and granted plaintiff's cross motion for summary judgment on the fifth cause of action and for an order extending his time to file a notice of trial. Environmental Conservation Law 11-0529, Local Law No. Respondent was admitted to the bar on March 16, 1988 at a term of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the Second Judicial Department. Example case or court filing citations: California Supreme Court case. For additional citation information, use the New York Official Reports Citator. In addition, the relevant jurisdiction's designation of statutory divisions should be used. The term "citation in running text" indicates an authority referred to in the text of a sentence, as in the examples below: The clear and convincing evidence standard discussed in. Kathleen M. Rice, as District Attorney of the County of Nassau, Plaintiff, v Milton Bialostok, Defendant. ), entered on or about June 17, 2002. A short-form reference may be used for subsequent citations to the same statute. Each Third Series record is hyperlinked to the full text of the decision on the Law Reporting Bureau's website. State court decisions should only retain "State/Commonwealth/People." Omit prepositional phrases of location unless the phrase begins a party name, is part of the full name of a business, or the omission would leave only one word in the party's name. 41 at 8), (1968 Study Bill and Commn Rep of Temp Commn on Rev of Penal Law and Crim Code, Introductory Comments at xviii), (2004 Extraordinary Session NY Senate Bill S1-A 1 [July 20, 2004]), (1982 NY Senate-Assembly Bill S9566, A12451), (Mem of Assembly Rules Comm, Bill Jacket, L 1989, ch 659), (Rep of Legal Div, Comm on Gen Welfare at 12-13, Local Law Bill Jacket, Local Law No. Appeal from a judgment of the Criminal Court of the City of New York, New York County (Neil E. Ross, J., on dismissal motion; A. Kirke Bartley, Jr., J., at trial and sentencing), rendered August 2, 2000. See section 13.7. 7444 [1970]), Warsaw Convention article 17 (49 US Stat 3000, 3018, reprinted following 49 USCA 40105), Convention for International Carriage by Air article 2 (reprinted in S Treaty Doc No. In addition, if a suit is brought "on Behalf" of an entity or "by" a representative, official or guardian, this should be so designated. However, the style of the larger numbers controls the style of the smaller ones, when used in the same context (e.g. In the Matter of Kaitlyn S. and Another, Children Alleged to be Abused). Spaces are inserted between the section number and each subsequent subdivision cited as follows: The following model titles are merely illustrative. . 1266, 2, proposing amendment to Administrative Code 8-502 [a] [June 13, 1989]), (Civ Ct of City of NY, Legal/Statutory Mem 152A [eff June 21, 2004]), (Proposed Legislation to amend Domestic Relations Law ["DRL"] 117 and Estates, Powers and Trusts Law ["EPTL"] 2-1.3 and 3-3.3, Veto Jacket, Veto 106 of 1984 at 50), (L 2002, ch 11, Governor's Program Bill Mem No. As explained in Richard A. Givens, Supplementary Practice Commentaries (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 23A, General Obligations Law 5-701, 1991 Pocket Part at 8-9) . If used, the citational footnote style should be used for all citations in the opinion. The Appellate Division affirmed a sentence of the Dutchess County Court (George D. Marlow, J. Bill is no stranger to the Law Reporting Bureauhaving started his career there in 1981and I know he will continue the great tradition of providing impeccable service for the entire Unified Court System. First word of next sentence). . During the summer and school breaks, there is no evening or weekend reference service. Rule 10.3.1 of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation and Rule 12.4(b)(1)(a) of the ALWD Citation Manual: A Professional System of Citation provide that case citations in documents submitted to state courts must conform with the local rules of that . If a case has not been officially reported, formulate a case name using the citation naming conventions found in standard citation manuals and apply the abbreviations listed in Appendix 1. L.E. See Appendix 7 for a model opinion formatted in the citational footnote style. Reporter containing cases from the CA Supreme Court. Proceedings Transferred to the Appellate Division. The citation reveals that Penn Central is a case from New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals. Capitalize constitution when referring to the specific constitution of any nation or state. 9 AM to 5 PM. However, when the source document in which a quotation is found uses a different style of emphasis (e.g. The model citational footnote opinion has been updated (Appendix 7). Use terminology that places the person before the disability (e.g. The Appeallate Division (1) reversed, on the law, so much of an order of the Supreme Court, New York County (Carol R. Edmead, J.; op 2009 NY Slip Op 32302[U] [2009]), as had granted defendants' motion to preclude plaintiffs from litigating the issue of plaintiff Jose Verdugo's accident-related disability beyond January 24, 2006, and (2) denied the motion. . Div. The name of the author may be added if desired: (9 Ops Counsel SBEA No. . The rules on formulation of case summaries (appeal statements) have been updated and examples have been added (Appendix 8). Include the e-book edition and the type of e-reader used. Place it outside the sentence (as in second example above) if it relates to more than one preceding sentence. In Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York, 366 N.E.2d 1271 (N.Y. 1977), the court applied the diminution in value rule. Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County (Elizabeth H. Emerson, J. Cite the United States Code if therein. Mich. Ct. App. The order affirmed (1) an order of the Civil Court of the City of New York, New York County (Kevin C. McClanahan, J. ), which granted defendant's motion to dismiss the complaint pursuant to CPLR 3211 (a) (2). Those treaties signed since 1945 are also published in and may be cited to the Treaties and Other International Acts Series (TIAS) (the unofficial source). "N.Y.2d" is the abbreviation for the New York Reports, the reporter . . 9. Bluebook: Court names (Table 7) Court name abbreviations. Citations in legal writing serve two purposes: . Verify the accuracy of the information in a summary against the record and/or opinion. Instead you might: This section is based upon New York State Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts. 2001-3 provides . Appeal from a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County (Ira Gammerman, J. At the opening of each opinion the name of the judge appears as follows: First names may be added to avoid ambiguity: (Smith, Special Ref.) ), rendered February 23, 1999. All the months of the year, with the exception of May, June and July, should be abbreviated when used in parentheses or in footnote citations: (Sept. 1). Appeal, by permission of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, from an order of that Court, entered September 14, 1995. . New Mexico Constitution. A citation to a judicial opinion is typically referred to as a "case" or "court case" citation. . Energy Law 12-103 (as added by L 1978, ch 649, 1, as amended by L 1980, ch 556, 1) provides . When greater precision is desired, the following forms may be used: Judiciary Law former 434 provided . Citation to a case contained in an electronic service (e.g. . 39 [9 NYCRR 5.39]), (NY Senate Debate on Senate Bill S2850, Mar. . "The victim was uncertain whether the gunman used an 8-, 10-, or 20-shot handgun"). A number of opinions not selected for full publication in the Miscellaneous Reports are published in abstract form in the printed Miscellaneous 3d Reports and in full text in the Slip Opinion Service and online Official Reports. citation of codes, rules and regulations in, , NYLJ, Oct. 6, 2000 at 30, col 5 [Sup Ct, Nassau County 2000, Austin, J. This is the law. . . Appeal from an order of the Supreme Court, Suffolk County (William J. Kent, J. It will typically comprise more than one sentence and should be formulated with an emphasis on concision and clarity. Appeal from orders of the Civil Court of the City of New York, Queens County (Marguerite Grays, J. Add a page reference or other pinpoint citation if desired after the description. . Vincent C. Alexander (Practice Commentaries, McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 6501 at 464 [2010 ed]) has indicated . Following the reversal by the Court of Appeals upon the original appeal (20 NY3d 1035 [2013]), the Court of Appeals granted motions for reargument (21 NY3d 995, 998 [2013]). New York County Courthouse 60 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 646-386-3600. Use a suitable notation, for example (And Two Other Proceedings.) . . Separate two authors' names with an ampersand. The use of small capitals in the text of opinions and footnotes has been eliminated (13.5). Add the date of the version being cited, and provide the word "CD-ROM" in a parenthetical if "CD-ROM" is not mentioned in the title. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. If the beginning of the succeeding sentence is omitted, insert an ellipsis after the period that concludes the preceding sentence (last word of preceding sentence. In a footnote containing text, citations in running text or within parentheses may be used. [for Special Referee], (Smith, J.H.O.) (Energy Law 12-103, as added by L 1978, ch 649, 1, as amended by L 1980, ch 556, 1). Either the full name or the abbreviated name may be used in running text. The form is: (Town Law 198, 199 [1] [a], [b]; [3]; 200). Appeal from a judgment of the Criminal Court of the City of New York, New York County (Eileen A. Rakower, J. In either event, use the abbreviations listed in Appendix 1. ), entered May 2, 2001 in a support proceeding pursuant to Family Court Act article 4. 39 [1991] of City of NY), (4th Rep of Temp St Commn on Estates, 1965 NY Legis Doc No. For example: The decision was written by Justice Jones of the New York Supreme Court. 96-12 at 31) [Note: online opinions], (36 Ed Dept Rep 508 [Decision No. Regardless of whether you locate a case in a print reporter or through an online source, Georgia Supreme Court Rule 22 requires researchers to cite to the official Georgia reporters, Georgia Reports and Georgia Appeals Reports.It's also common practice for researchers to include a parallel citation to the regional reporter that contains the case opinion. Match. 13,787] [Note: decisions in volumes 1-49], New York State Labor Relations Board, Decisions and Orders of, New York Superior Court Reports (by Reporter), Public Employment Relations Board Reports, Public Service Commission of New York, Reports of, Public Service Commission of New York, First District, Proceedings of, Public Service Commission of New York, Second District, Reports of Decisions of, Thompson and Cook's Supreme Court Reports, Federal Claims Reporter [1992-date] [see also US Court of Claims Reports and US Claims Court Reporter], US Claims Court Reporter [1982-1992] [see also US Court of Claims Reports and Federal Claims Reporter], US Court of Claims Reports [1863-1982] [see also US Claims Court Reporter and Federal Claims Reporter], US Reports (by Reporter, up to and including 90 US), US Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition, Alabama Appellate Court Reports [1910-1976], Arizona Court of Appeals Reports [1965-1976], Cal App, Cal App 2d, Cal App 3d, Cal App 4th, California Appellate Reports Supplement Series, Cal App Supp, Cal App 2d Supp, Cal App 3d Supp, Cal App 4th Supp, Colorado Court of Appeals Reports [1891-1915; 1970-1980], Connecticut Appellate Reports [1983-date], Illinois Appellate Court Reports [1877-2011], Illinois Court of Claims Reports [1889-date], Indiana Appellate Court Reports [1890-1979], Kansas Court of Appeals Reports [1895-1901; 1977-date], Louisiana Courts of Appeal Reports [1924-1932], Massachusetts Appeals Court Reports [1972-date], Michigan Court of Appeals Reports [1965-date], New Jersey Superior Court Reports [1948-date], North Carolina Court of Appeals Reports [1968-date], Oregon Court of Appeals Reports [1969-date], Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court Reports [1970-1994], Pennsylvania District and County Reports [1921-date], Pa D & C, Pa D & C 2d, Pa D & C 3d, Pa D & C 4th, Pennsylvania Superior Court Reports [1895-1997], Tennessee Court of Appeals Reports [1925-1971], Virginia Court of Appeals Reports [1985-date], Washington Court of Appeals Reports [1969-date], B. Repealed or Superseded New York Statutes. Opinions published in the online version of the New York Law Journal are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (b) (3). . Supreme Court opinions will have a citation to the U.S. Reports - the official reporter, and parallel citations to the unofficial reporters, . Use brackets to indicate that language has been added or modified, including the omission or alteration of one or more characters of a word. A 440.10 motion may be denied without a hearing when . The appeal brought up for review a fact-finding order dated January 8, 2009. Material; Arbitrations; Court Rules; Books 897 (Sup. The Bluebook is the guide to citing legal documents in the United States. Citation to decisions posted on the Internet is permitted where the material is not readily available in print. This can be confusing because New York also has a Supreme Court, Appellate Division which is abbreviated N.Y. App. Some electronic sources do not contain pagination; therefore, page references are not required when citing those sources. The Appellate Division (1) reversed, on the law, a judgment of the Supreme Court, New York County (Harold Tompkins, J. ), entered January 16, 2001. Rptr. The order adjudicated appellant a juvenile delinquent, upon a fact-finding determination that appellant had committed acts which, if committed by an adult, would have constituted the crimes of conspiracy in the sixth degree and attempted hazing in the first degree, and placed him in the custody of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services for a period of 12 months, with credit for time spent in detention pending disposition. Remove all geographical designations that follow a comma [rule 10.2.1(f)]. Let's presume that this is the writer's first reference to the diminution in value rule, and the writer . Effective April 1, 2009, the new Rules of Professional Conduct (22 NYCRR 1200.0) replaced the Code of Professional Responsibility as the governing rules for attorney conduct in New York. Sample Forms of Summaries: Court of Appeals. Appeal, by permission of an Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered January 6, 1998. New York: N.Y. North Carolina: N.C. North Dakota: N.D. . Year of decision. Use the Citation Services to find the approved "cite-as" case names for citing New York To add emphasis to a word or phrase, italicize it. (U.S. Government Accountability Office, Report to Congressional Requesters, (Workers Compensation and Employers Liability, (Michael D. Green et al., Reference Guide on Epidemiology, in Federal Judicial Center, Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence at 336 [2d ed 2000]), (New York Law Reports Style Manual 1.2 [e] [2012]). unofficially reported New York slip opinions. Continuing previous efforts to eliminate useless citation formalities and to promote cleaner text, the rule (1.3 [a]) governing subsequent references to previously cited authority has been recast to encourage the use of short-form citations and. The Reference Desk is in the Atrium of the Williams Library on the main floor. APPENDIX 3 APPELLATE HISTORY AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS USED IN CITATIONS ), which had granted defendant's motion to set aside the jury verdict finding defendant guilty of robbery in the first degree and burglary in the first degree based on legal insufficiency, (2) reinstated the jury verdict, and (3) remanded to Supreme Court for further proceedings. Advisory committee notes, statutory, 3.1 (c), "Affirmed," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, Amended statutes, citation of, 3.1 (b) (3), American Law Reports (ALR) annotations, 7.5, Amicus Curiae, appearance of counsel as, 9.2, Animal breeds, capitalization of, 10.1 (o), Appellate Division, rules of, 4.1 (b) (3), Attorney disciplinary charges, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), Attorney General, appearance of counsel by, 9.6, Branches of government, capitalization of, 10.1 (d), Building Code, New York City, 4.1 (b) (9), Building Code, New York State, 4.1 (b) (8), Business firms, abbreviation of in case names, Appendix 1, Case law reports, abbreviation of, Appendix 2, Code of Professional Responsibility, citation of, 4.1 (b) (6), Commission and agency documents and materials, 2.4 (b), Consecutive sections of statute, 3.1 (b) (2), Consolidated statutes, forms of, Appendix 4, Court of decision, abbreviations, 2.2 (a) (7), Disabilities, describing persons with, 12.5, Distances, use of symbols for, 10.2 (b) (2), Dollar amounts, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (2), Ellipsis, omitted material in quotations, 11.1 (c), Federal cases, citation of, 2.3 (a); 2.3 (b), "Federal Government," capitalization of, 10.1, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, 4.2 (b) (5), Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, 4.2 (b) (4), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 4.2 (b) (1), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 4.2 (b) (2), Given names and initials, individuals, 8.1 (d); 10.4 (b), Insurance Department Regulations, 4.1 (b) (10), Italicization, 1.4; 2.0; 7.0; 13.7; Appendix 5, Judicial history of cases (see History of cases), Jurisdiction, indication of in citations, 1.1 (a); 2.2, Latin words, italicization of, 12.3 (c); 13.7; Appendix 5, Legislation (see Session Laws and Unconsolidated Laws, Statutes), Legislative and other materials, 3.1 (f); 3.2 (c), Measurements, use of symbols for, 10.2 (b) (2), "Modified," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, Multiple statutes, citation of, 3.1 (b) (2), National Reporter System (see Unofficial reports), New York Law Journal, citation to, 2.2 (b) (3), Non-attorney, appearance of counsel by, 9.3 (a); 9.3 (b), Nonstatutory material in statutory compilations, 3.1 (c), Numbered items, capitalization of, 10.1 (p), Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of State of New York, 4.1 (a), Opposing citations, introductory signals to, 1.4, Ordinances, capitalization of, 10.1 (j) (1), Periods, use of to punctuate quotations, 11.1 (b); 11.1 (c) (2), Personnel Rules and Regulations, New York City, 4.1 (b) (1), Pinpoint page citations, 1.3; 2.2 (a) (2); 2.2 (a) (3), Pluralization of case name abbreviations, Appendix 1, Point page citations (see Pinpoint page citations), Popular names of acts and constitutional clauses, capitalization of, 10.1 (j) (2), Previously cited authority, reference to, 1.3, Prisoner disciplinary hearings, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), Public domain citations, 2.3 (c) (4); Appendix 2 (D), References to previously cited cases, 1.3, Regional names, capitalization of, 10.1 (n), Rent statutes and regulations, 4.1 (b) (7), Repealed New York statutes, style and abbreviation of, Appendix 4, Reporter, citing out-of-state cases by name of, 2.3 (c) (3), "Reversed," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, "Reversing," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); Appendix 3, Rules of Professional Conduct, citation of, 4.1 (b) (6), Session Laws and Unconsolidated Laws, 3.1 (d), Sex offender risk levels, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), "State of," inclusion in titles, 10.1 (c), String citations, 2.2 (a) (6); 3.1 (b) (2), Subsequent case history, 2.2 (a) (5); Appendix 3, Superseded New York statutes, style and abbreviation, Appendix 4, Supporting citations, introductory signals to, 1.4, Supreme Court of the United States cases, 2.3 (a), Treaties and international agreements, 6.0, Uniform Rules for New York State Trial Courts, 4.1 (b) (5), United States Supreme Court cases, 2.3 (a), Unofficial reports, citation of, 2.2 (b); 2.3; 2.4, Vendor neutral citations, 2.3 (c) (4); Appendix 2 (D), New York State Law Reporting Bureau17 Lodge Street, Albany NY 12207phone: (518) 453-6900fax: (518) 426-1640. . .). art. 2004]), (1813 Rev L of NY, 36th Session, ch IV, VI [1 Van Ness and Woodworth rev at 326]), (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 6266 [3] [Urban Development Corporation Act (UDCA) 16 (3), as added by L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended]), (Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 [ETPA] 5 [McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 8625 (L 1974, ch 576, sec 4, 5, as amended)]), Abandoned Property Law 103 (a) (as amended by L 1944, ch 498), Nassau County Administrative Code 5-14.0 (L 1939, chs 272, 701-709, as amended), McKinney's Unconsolidated Laws of NY 8605 (Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended), Consolidated Laws Service Unconsolidated Laws of NY chapter 249-A, 1 (5) (Local Emergency Housing Rent Control Act 5, as added by L 1962, ch 21, 1, as amended), Emergency Tenant Protection Act of 1974 (ETPA) 5 (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 8625 [L 1974, ch 576, sec 4, 5, as amended]), Urban Development Corporation Act (UDCA) (L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended) 31-a (McKinney's Uncons Laws of NY 6281-a), McKinney's Unconsolidated Laws of NY 6266 (3) (Urban Development Corporation Act [UDCA] 16 [3], as added by L 1968, ch 174, 1, as amended), (Model Penal Code 210.2 [Proposed Official Draft 1962]), (Uniform Adoption Act [1994] 1-101, 9 ULA [part 1A] 20 [1999]), (Uniform Parentage Act [2000] 101, ULA Parentage 101 [2008]) [Note: online version], (Proposed NY Code of Evidence 506 [a] [1982]). Tense Summaries of appeals should be written in the past tense. Rule 10.2 applies to both case names in textual sentences and citations and is divided into two sub-rules, designated rules 10.2.1 and 10.2.2. Courthouse Hours. re-present, not represent; re-serve, not reserve). 1973 = date of the case decision . As always, the staff of the Law Reporting Bureau deserves the highest praise for its absolutely meticulous work. Some suggested forms of ascending hierarchy citations in running text are as follows: Town Law 199 (1) (a) and (3) provide . Style A summary should be styled in accordance with the Official Reports Style Manual. . The Law Reporting Bureau has continued to update the Style Manual to make this resource as clear and easy to use as possible. The reporters in a Supreme Court case should be in this order: US, S Ct, L Ed (Manual Rule 1:9.2). The judgment granted the petition and directed that petitioner's sentences be served concurrently. . 3-2011 of the County of Nassau [Note: use the numbering format used by the municipality. The rules for citing specific types of electronic sources appear in the sections listed below. When citing in running text, convert interior brackets to parentheses. . Penal Law 125.25 (1) (a) and (b) provide . Typically, the parties in an action are referred to, at the trial level, as Plaintiff and Defendant (in the event of impleader one might find Third-Party or Fourth-Party Plaintiffs and Defendants); in a proceeding the parties are referred to as Petitioner and Respondent. 4th. Oklahoma. Some examples are: The citational footnote style is an alternative to the traditional placement of citations, using footnotes only for the citational content that would otherwise appear in the body of an opinion if either the running text citation style ( 1.2 [b]) or the citations within parentheses style ( 1.2 [c]) were used. Indicate an omission between quoted sentences as follows if retention of the period is desired: If the end of the preceding sentence is omitted, insert an ellipsis followed by a period (last quoted word of preceding sentence . Do not abbreviate terms used as a possessive [Employers' not Empls.].). Appeal, on constitutional grounds, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered February 22, 1996. Where a proceeding commenced in Supreme Court is transferred to the Appellate Division, the parties are designated Petitioner and Respondent, not Appellant and Respondent. If there is a state reporter that prints the case in addition to a regional reporter, cite both the state and regional reporters ( Rule 10.3.1 ). ), entered January 7, 2002 in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78. Both "Note" or "Comment" and the author's name are used in a law review citation, as follows: (Arthur Karger, Powers of the New York Court of Appeals 9:5 at 313 [3d ed rev 2005]), (Prosser & Keeton, Torts 44 at 309-310 [5th ed 1984]), (Jerome Prince, Richardson on Evidence 8-254, (2 Dan B. Dobbs et al., Torts 359 at 436-437 [2d ed 2011]), (11 Richard A. Lord, Williston on Contracts 32:6 at 432 [4th ed 1990]), (8 Warren's Weed, New York Real Property 92.16 [5th ed 2004]), (8-92 Warren's Weed, New York Real Property 92.16 [2006]) [Note: online treatise], (3 Warren's Negligence in New York Courts 80.01 [2] at 80-5 [2d ed 2005]), (3-80 Warren's Negligence in New York Courts 80.01 [2] [2005]) [Note: online treatise], (11 Warren's Heaton, Surrogate's Court Practice 194.01 [5] at 194-14 [7th ed 2006]), (11-194 Warren's Heaton, Surrogate's Court Practice 194.01 [5] [2006]) [Note: online treatise], (3A Doris Jonas Freed et al., Law and the Family New York 11:11 at 98 [2d ed rev 1993]), (1 Robert F. Dolan, Rasch's Landlord and TenantSummary Proceedings 1:14 at 88 [4th ed 1998]), (4 James J. Capitalize only proper nouns and adjectives: Lowercase references to numbered items, such as indictments, interrogatories, apartments, indexes, etc. David D. Siegel, Practice Commentaries (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR C3219:1) explains . Supreme Court of the United States Case Citation Finder, 1st Dept | 2d Dept (If there are multiple plaintiffs, only list the first party in each category). Of any nation or State D. Siegel, Practice Commentaries ( McKinney Cons. Be confusing because New York Reports, the relevant jurisdiction 's designation of statutory should. 3211 ( a ) ( as in second example above ) if it relates more! Styled in accordance with the Official Reports Citator Laura Drager, J Proceedings..... Name Abbreviations style of emphasis ( e.g use Cal Court names ( Table 7 ) and has... To use as possible, Appellate Division which is abbreviated N.Y. App provide the correct citation to the full of! The punctuation ( word, by L 1944, ch 498 ).... York Supreme Court - the Official reporter, and parallel citations to the specific constitution of any nation or.... E-Reader used Bluebook is the abbreviation for the New York: N.Y. North Carolina: N.C. North:! ( e.g Court, Suffolk County ( Eileen A. 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