[51] This dacitic lava was erupted on Lascar at high altitude and has a blocky surface. [248], During the glacial periods, the volcano most likely featured small glaciers. Other minerals include anhydrite,[57] augite, plagioclase[33] which is also the dominant phenocryst phase in Lascar rocks,[76] apatite, ilmenite, magnetite, olivine, orthopyroxene, phyrrotite, quartz, rhyolite in the groundmass, and spinel in inclusions. Also, a volcano that is not presently erupting, but that has erupted within historical time and is considered likely to do so in the future. In this remote territory, where eruptions are poorly recorded, many volcanoes are higher than 6,000 metres (20,000ft). [31] Larger particles fell closer to the volcano, while smaller particles were carried farther. [218] An ash plume was carried 660 kilometres (410mi) east. [204] It caused noticeable changes in the morphology of the volcano, including the formation of a new fracture along the summit craters;[205] however, the summit craters themselves were not heavily altered[206] apart from the formation of a trench across the three craters that runs in westeast direction. This information was summarized from the GVP/USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report. along with periodic larger eruptions that produced ash and tephra fall up to hundreds of kilometers away from the volcano. [244] Thallium from the volcano is a pollution hazard in the Talabre area. [166] A phreatic eruption around 14:30 on 18 April formed the prelude to the eruption. 287 (2014) 5167]", "First geochemical survey of fumarolic gases from Lascar volcano (Central Andes, Chile)", "Linking magmatic processes and magma chemistry during the post-glacial to recent explosive eruptions of Ubinas volcano (southern Peru)", Peligros volcnicos de la Zona Norte de Chile, "Sistema Nacional de Proteccion Civil Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Volcan Popocatepetl Estudios Realizados Durante La Crisis de 1994-1995 Comite Cientifico Asesor Cenapred-Unam", "Satellite images uncertainty: eruption or resuspension? [34] Yet another eruption sequence occurred between 1959 and 1969. [43] The Pampa Chamaca and Tuyajto ignimbrites are somewhat younger, 2.62.2 million and less than 1 million years respectively. Status: Historical, recent phreatic explosions (2015), Continuous seismic monitoring at a single station was installed in 2011. High quantities of arsenic have been observed in local crops. Observers noted the formation of a cauliflower-shaped cloud that eventually developed into a mushroom cloud with a maximum height of 9.4 kilometres (5.8mi) above the volcano. On the western slope, it buries the even older Piedras Grandes flow, which crops out only at the margins of the Soncor flow. However, an eruption of the Cerro Corona lava dome occurred during this period,[60] and activity of stage III did not commence earlier than 22,300 years ago. [34] It probably formed when one of the craters filled with andesitic lava to the point of overflow. 3. [231] In December 2022, an explosion generated a 6 kilometres (3.7mi) high plume. The deposits left contain both andesite and dacite,[53] with phenocrysts consisting of apatite, augite, biotite, iron-titanium oxides, orthopyroxene and plagioclase in a rhyolite matrix. [152], The previous volcanic edifice was destroyed by this eruption,[90] which may have formed a caldera. The Chaile flows are actually formed by two separate units and are found on the southwest flanks of the volcano, up to a distance of 6 kilometres (3.7mi). A volcano that is erupting. Lascar is a stratovolcano in Chile within the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, a volcanic arc that spans Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. The first known activity occurred at the eastern cone and was characterized by lava flows, before shifting to the western cone where lava domes were emplaced. [156], Heavy metal exposure is a problem for the region. [91], Lascar emits plumes of gas and white clouds of condensed water vapor,[29] mostly over many hundreds of fumarolic vents, which are chiefly located in the active crater. As of 2012[update], it had a population of 50 inhabitants. The chamber may be surrounded by skarnic alteration. Hornfels, skarn, and rocks that are part of Lascar's lava dome ridge are the source of these xenoliths. [88] Magma petrology implies that there is another reservoir at 6 kilometres (3.7mi) depth. [16] A number of supervolcanoes exist in the Central Volcanic Zone, they are part of the Altiplano-Puna volcanic complex. [58] The craters show evidence that activity has migrated westward. The movement of lithospheric plates affects surface features at plate boundaries and within the interiors of both oceanic and continental plates. The two types of plate boundaries that are most likely to produce volcanic activity are divergent plate boundaries and convergent plate boundaries. [43][49] Cerro Corona gets its name from a crown-shaped structure at its top. [227] Precipitation at Lascar is about 50100 millimetres per year (2.03.9in/year) and consists mostly of snow. lascar volcano. Many of these volcanoes are covered by snow and ice. [156] The frequent smaller explosive events commonly occur unexpectedly and can thus endanger people on the mountain. At the time preceding the eruption, the magma chamber had a thermal stratification;[151] injections of mafic magmas had heated the magma chamber and induced convection. [64] The Quebrada Talabre was scoured by pyroclastic flows during the 1993 eruption, exposing bedrock and Tertiary ignimbrites. [36] Geographically, the area of Lascar is located between the Altiplano and the Salar de Atacama[21] 30 kilometres (19mi) farther west;[37] the terrain at Lascar dips in the direction of the Salar. Bunch grass and shrubs grow on the volcano's slopes. Blog. [129] The Observatorio Volcanolgico de los Andes del Sur in Temuco also employs webcams to watch Lascar. [105] Written reports of volcanic activity exist since the 16th century, when the Spaniards arrived in the region,[160] though few records exist from before 1848. [219], Weak eruptions, characterized by earthquakes and the release of plumes, occurred in FebruaryMarch 2012 and MarchApril 2013. [26] The andesitic-dacitic Aguas Calientes is located 5 kilometres (3.1mi) east of Lascar; it may have formed a lava flow close to the summit during the Holocene. [69] Moraines are found at Tumisa down to an altitude of 4,850 metres (15,910ft). For some eruptions, including the January 1854 eruption, it is not clear whether they occurred at Lascar or Aguas Calientes,[157] and some early reports of volcanic activity at Aguas Calientes probably refer to Lascar. [54] Exposures of the basement are often delimited by faults. [174] Ash fall in Tucuman and Santiago del Estero was intense enough that traffic ground to a halt,[198] and air travel was impacted internationally. Grey pumice deposits from the 1993 eruption are visible in the photo above and below. Today the volcanic complex consists of the dormant western edifice and the active eastern edifice, the latter comprising three overlapping craters. The largest eruption of Lascar known to recorded history occurred in April 1993 and caused ash fall as far away as Buenos Aires. Volcanoes at Plate Boundaries - Geology 101 for Lehman College (CUNY) Skip to content Toggle Menu Primary Navigation Home Read Sign in Search in book:Search Book Contents Navigation Contents I. [77], The rocks of Lascar belong to the calc-alkaline series. [184] The total area covered by the flows is about 14.2 square kilometres (5.5sqmi) on the northern slopes (Tumbres fan)[185] and 4.3 square kilometres (1.7sqmi) on the southern slopes (Lejia fan). There are many fumaroles along the rim of the inner crater. [110] There are temporal variations in the output: after a decrease in 2009, sulfur output increased in 2012, probably as a consequence of the arrival of new magma at depth. [9] Lahar deposits are found in adjacent valleys, suggesting that wetter periods had occurred during Lascar's activity. [56] Measurements made from 1961 to 1997 determined that the eastern crater is 1 kilometre (0.62mi) wide and 150200 metres (490660ft) deep[57] and thus the largest,[53] the central crater is 600 metres (2,000ft) wide and 100200 metres (330660ft) deep, and the western crater is 800 metres (2,600ft) wide and 200300 metres (660980ft) deep,[57] increasing to 400 metres (1,300ft) depth in 20052006. Get started for FREE Continue. Aguas Calientes in the middle; Lascar on the left. Because Lascar is located in a remote area, it is monitored primarily by remote sensing. [224] During the following days, additional explosions generated columns up to 3 kilometres (1.9mi) high, with little ash production. In the Central Volcanic Zone, volcanism has been active for 120 million years, although it has undergone eastward migration during this time. Learn. Created by. SERNAGEOMIN reported that seismic signals characterized as moderate were recorded on 19 December and located near Lscar's main crater at shallow depths. [47] The composition of the Piedras Grandes unit is andesite containing amphibole, basaltic andesite and hornblende. The western edifice generated a complex of lava domes (stage II),[53] which was probably surrounded by a horseshoe-shaped crater open to the west. These ignimbrites form a 3 steep slope in the area. Why do people study Geology? It was suggested the nested craters of Lscar did not form due to a large explosion nor due to simple collapse but rather as a result of long term cyclic activity: dome growth, followed by degassing of a shallow magma reservoir and conduit, resulting in subsidence of the dome and further deepening of the crater floor. [36] The lavas from stage I are mostly exposed north and west of Lascar. On 20 February 1990, an eruption column rose 814 kilometres (5.08.7mi) above the crater,[57] resulting in ash fall over 100 kilometres (62mi) away from the volcano. It is the most active volcano in the region, with records of eruptions going back to 1848. [221] This explosion was strong enough to rattle windows in the school at Talabre. Further, fractures permitting gas passage are obstructed when the magma contracts. [17] This shallow subduction appears to be triggered by the Nazca Ridge and the Juan Fernandez Ridge;[18] the areas where they subduct beneath the Peru-Chile Trench coincide with the limits of the Central Volcanic Zone. [36] This limestone formation has been identified as the Yacoraite formation. [178] The first pyroclastic flow was observed around 10:12 on 19 April. Pyroclastic flows reached a speed of 55 metres per second (180ft/s),[178] and themselves generated ash surges that partly rose above the flows. [140], A volatile phase containing chlorine formed inside the magma chamber and quickly removed most sulfur from the magma. [138] An ice cap formed over Lascar at that time, feeding two glaciers that extended northeast and southeast away from the volcano. [100] Steam explosions caused by rainfall have been reported. Add an answer. [60] This eruption was the last effusive eruption of Lascar, when later lava domes are excluded. Stato attuale: normal or dormant (1 di 5) Last update: 3 feb 2022 (Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report) Lscar volcano in northern Chile is the most active of the northern Chilean Andes. [144] Pumices are encased in the ignimbrite as lenses and levees and are also found in the terrain above the canyons. [201] Over 0.1 millimetres (0.0039in) of ash fell over a surface area of over 850,000 square kilometres (330,000sqmi). [6] The Central Volcanic Zone is located between two areas where subduction is shallower and volcanic activity is absent. Lascar is just left of Aguas Calientes, which is the central cone. Southeast of Florida, the Caribbean Plate is sliding east-northeast about 0.8 inches (2 centimeters) per year relative to the North American Plate. Eruptions in 1972 and 1974 are uncertain. [35], A 200-metre-wide (660ft) and 50-metre-high (160ft) lava dome formed in early 1989. Lscar volcano in northern Chile is the most active of the northern Chilean Andes. [64] Another lava flow on the southwest flank is known as the Capricorn Lava. Grey pumice deposits from the 1993 eruption are visible in the photo above, and the margins of some pyroclastic flows can be seen at right center. [227] Between January 2014 and June 2016, about 24 volcano-tectonic earthquakes per month were recorded. [27] They are constructed on a crust that is between 50 and 70 kilometres (31 and 43mi) thick. [168] The temperatures of the lava dome can reach 148367C (298693F). [36][44] Other basement rocks are the sandstone-containing marine DevonianCarboniferous Lila formation, the red-orange Permian Cas formation containing volcanic rocks and granites,[21][37] as well as the volcanic PermianTriassic Peine formation and Cerro Negro strata, which also contain intruded rocks and lake sediments. Subsequently, a number of fumaroles were active around the crater. SERNAGEOMIN reported that an eruption at Lscar began at 1236 on 10 December with an explosive event that produced a dense ash plume and pyroclastic flows proximal to the crater. Explosive activity presumably occurs when gases can no longer escape. [128] The towns of Tumbres and Talabre may be affected by pyroclastic flows, and ash falls can occur east of the volcano. [72], Hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride are also released in large amounts, with estimates made in 20032004 indicating a mass flux of 340,000,000 kilograms per year (11kg/s) and 150,000,000 kilograms per year (4.8kg/s) respectively. [202] Volcanic ash deposited close to the volcano was partially remobilized by winds a few days after the eruption. [213] The 1993 eruption was followed by a significant increase in the fluorine content of plants covered by the ash. [106] Lascar was a substantial source of sulfur dioxide for the atmosphere around 30 south, reaching a proportion of 2040% the sulfur over South America and still 1020% over the South Indian Ocean. [67] The vent was no wider than 2 kilometres (1.2mi), as it is completely hidden beneath the western cone. [20], Of these volcanic zones, the Central Volcanic Zone of which Lascar is a member of[21] is the largest, covering parts of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. It is about 800 m in diameter and 300 m deep. 2017-03-03 22:36:33. [60] The growth of this volcano was preceded by a period of erosion between 20,80020,100 and 12,500 years ago, coincident with the Lake Minchin humid period. Transform plate boundaries are where plates slide laterally past one another, producing shallow earthquakes but little or no volcanic activity. At least nine units form the Saltar deposit, with the northern flows displaying flow welding. [4], In 1984, Lascar awakened to new activity;[57] satellite images noted the presence of hot spots on the volcano. Lascar vulcano. The eastern edifice formed first (stage I), erupting andesite containing pyroxene, and eventually forming the Chaile and Saltar pyroclastic flows. The Saltar flow reached widths of 0.71.3 kilometres (0.430.81mi) and thicknesses of 520 metres (1666ft), increasing to 35 metres (115ft) where the flow entered valleys. It started to shrink again by May. [47] Lava flows from this stage have thicknesses of 2060 metres (66197ft) and lengths reaching 5 kilometres (3.1mi). [144], The magma erupted was generated in a magma chamber starting from andesite, which underwent complex petrogenetic processes. [120] Water appears to be in part magmatic and in part precipitation-derived. [7] As of 2017[update], stockbreeding and farming were the principal economic activities in Talabre. [89], The oldest volcanic activity at Lascar occurred between 220,000[6] and less than 50,000 years ago. [170] While eruptions before 1993 had always been preceded by a reduction in heat radiated from the volcano, such a reduction in 19992000 did not lead to an eruption, and when an eruption took place in July 2000, it was preceded by only a brief drop in heat radiation. [166], An alternating cycle of fumarolic activity, an accumulation of fumarolic gases in the conduit and lava dome, and explosive activity followed by renewed fumarolic activity have characterized Lascar's activity since 1984. [223] A video taken by the Chilean Air Force on 20 April showed a 50-metre-wide (160ft) pit in the floor of the main crater. Add an answer . [116] Otherwise, activity between 1993 and 2000 was not accompanied by deformation of the edifice. Dacite has more plagioclase and rhyolite. [67], A major Plinian eruption occurred 26,450 500 years ago,[137] releasing 1015 cubic kilometres (2.43.6cumi) of ejecta, both volcanic ash and pyroclastic flows. [149] This magma chamber was located at a floor depth of 56 kilometres (3.13.7mi) (older estimate 1222 kilometres (7.513.7mi)[150]) and probably had a complex shape, given certain chemical properties of the Soncor rocks. These rocks have a composition mainly characterized as "two-pyroxene",[a] but the old Piedras Grandes and Soncor rocks contain hornblende. [154] This debris avalanche is 50 metres (160ft) thick and 25 kilometres (16mi) long. [63], Lascar is one of the three most active volcanoes in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (the other two are the Peruvian volcanoes Sabancaya and Ubinas)[126] and a steady pattern of eruptive activity has persisted for centuries. [139] The Soncor fallout deposit contains a basal gravelly layer and several layers of andesitic and dacitic pumice which also contain lithics. [125], Lascar rests atop the Atana ignimbrite, a rhyodacitic sheet which was erupted by La Pacana caldera 4.53.7 million years ago. [43], Cerro Opla, 20 kilometres (12mi) west of Lascar, is a hill formed by PermianTriassic granite. [76] The chemistry of Lascar's rocks is fairly similar to those of neighbouring Tumisa volcano. [34] This lava flow is known as the TumbresTalabre lava flow; its margins are 1040 metres (33131ft) high, and it features a central channel. In the case of the Andes, the oceanic Nazca Plate and part of the oceanic Antarctic Plate slide towards the continental South American Plate. [129], A monitoring network has been built around the volcano beginning from 2010. Glowing was also reported in October and November 2013. lascar volcano volcano type stratco or composite eruption history volcano location type of lava flow eruption type last eruption:October 31 Chile andesite plate boundaries and where the volcano is formed or located how lascar was formed plate boundaries: convergent subduction. [129] Lava bombs with diameters of up to 1.5 metres (4ft 11in) were hurled as far as 4 kilometres (2.5mi) from the crater, presumably as a consequence of the lava dome exploding. Finally, the andesitic pumice Tumbres flow is found on the northwestwestsouthwestern slopes of Lascar. Maintaining our website and our free apps does require, however, considerable time and resources. Acamarachi is the white cone on the right. Lascar is a stratovolcano in Chile within the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes, a volcanic arc that spans Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. [116] Alternatively, the cycle may have continued, to reach another lava dome collapse stage in early 2003. [86], The Soncor deposit was subsequently affected by glaciation[67] and the stage I edifice by a debris avalanche,[39] which was radiocarbon dated at 22,310 +2,700/2000 years ago in the Quebrada de Chaile. [14], Volcanoes in the Andes occur in four separate regions: the Northern Volcanic Zone between 2N and 5S, the Central Volcanic Zone between 16S and 28S, the Southern Volcanic Zone between 33S and 46S,[15] and the Austral Volcanic Zone, south of the Southern Volcanic Zone. The unit is about 2 kilometres (1.2mi) wide[135] and consists of large blocks encased in ash. Another explosion at 13:02 sent a column 8.5 kilometres (5.3mi) high. [67], The Quebrada Talabre cuts into the upper flanks of Lascar[64] and eventually joins the Quebrada Soncor. Lscar Google Earth Placemark with Features Cite Volcano Profile Chile Stratovolcano (es) 2017 CE Country Primary Volcano Type Last Known Eruption 23.37S 67.73W 5592 m 18346 ft 355100 Latitude Longitude Summit Elevation Volcano Number 2022 Microsoft Corporation Terms Latest Activity Reports Weekly Reports Bulletin Reports Synonyms & Subfeatures The Lascar volcano is located in the Andes and erupted on 10th December . These include gas monitoring, seismometers, a weather station and cameras. A seismic monitoring experiment was realized in 2008. [171], Vulcanian explosions started on 18 April 1993, and on 1920 April 1993, a major eruption occurred. [195], These flows took a long time to cool down; in the Quebrada Tumbres, they had not cooled down completely by December 1993. An eruption event known as Piedras Grandes was followed by the large Soncor eruption. [8] Sector collapse and lahars have occurred in the past, but are unlikely to be present-day hazards. Lascar Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ISOLATED PUFF AT 1545 to 27000 ft (8200 m) Thu, 3 Feb 2022, 00:26 Lascar (Chile) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 26 January-1 February 2022 (NEW) SERNAGEOMIN reported minor increases in surficial activity at Lscar. [31] The largest historical eruption occurred at Huaynaputina in 1600. [80] The magma interacts with former salar deposits before ascending. [129] Landsat images taken during this time indicate that a lava lake may have existed in the central crater,[163] generating a plume of volcanic gases and, in September 1986, a vulcanian eruption happened and dropped ash in Salta, Argentina. [132], Activity subsequently shifted to the eastern edifice. Lascar has been active since at least 56,000 years ago, though some argue for activity beginning 220,000 years ago. [111] There is no clear association between periods of degassing and eruptions. [136] Andesite-rhyodacite intrusions occurred beneath the volcano,[137] some of which were still hot when the Soncor eruption tore them out of the ground. [157][53] This flow extends 8 kilometres (5.0mi) northwest and is 2030 metres (6698ft) thick. [249] 8,500 years ago, the climate in the region became much drier, and the amount of erosion decreased substantially. [142], Ignimbrite was channeled to the Salar de Atacama by the Quebrada de Chaile, Quebrada de Soncor and Quebrada de Talabre canyons and some smaller valleys, northeastwards by the Quebrada de Morro Blanco and as far as 11 kilometres (6.8mi) southeastwards over the Pampa Leija area. [194], The flows were strongly erosive, extracting rocks and material from the bedrock, even far away from the vent. [209] About 900,000 tonnes (890,000 long tons; 990,000 short tons) of gypsum was deposited in the drainages around the volcano, forming a significant supply of sulfur in the region. The eastern cone (also known as Activo)[54] is capped off with three distinct craters[53] which are delimited by arcuate fractures. joerouse12. [22] Water released from the subducting plate triggers the formation of basaltic magmas that are then injected into the crust. On a crust that is between 50 and 70 kilometres ( 5.3mi ) high plume have... And levees and are also found in adjacent valleys, suggesting that wetter periods had during! Andesite containing pyroxene, and on 1920 April 1993, and the amount of erosion decreased substantially thus people. Flank is known as the Capricorn lava time and resources This dacitic lava was erupted on at. 20,000Ft ) formation has been active since at least nine units form the Saltar deposit, with the northern displaying. Closer to the volcano 's slopes subsequently shifted to the eastern edifice formed first stage! [ 139 ] the first pyroclastic flow was observed around 10:12 on 19 April the,... 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