Although the information on school attendance was collected for everybody aged 3 years or older, official school entry age in the country is 6 years. The Bawku East District has the largest proportion of households with seven or more sleeping rooms (23.8%). The full participation of women is not only necessary as a social right, but is also essential for increased productivity. The Kusasis make up 22.6 per cent of the regions total population, but they make up about 75 per cent of the population of Bawku West and 47.6 per cent of the population of Bawku East. Ethnic Relations. Nov 10, 2021. Naden, Anthony J. The dry season starts in November and ends in March/April with maximum temperatures occurring towards the end of the dry season (March . The proportion of households with access to potable water, is higher in Bolgatanga (61%) compared to the other districts. For instance the Builsa who constitute 7.6 per cent of the regions population, make up 84.1 per cent of the population of the district. The climate is characterized by one rainy season from May/June to September/October. The proportion ranges from 18.0 per cent in Builsa to 27.5 per cent in Bawku West. Three national highways N2, N10, and N11 and a few Regional highways such as the R113, R114, R116 and R181, serve the region. The proportion of localities that has met the Ministrys accessibility policy standard is greater than the regional average in four of the six districts. Since the second half of the 19th century, as a consequence of the Russification policies and compulsory military service in the Russian Empire, large groups of Germans from Russia emigrated to the Americas (mainly Canada, the United States, Brazil and Argentina . Primary school is the highest level attained by 52.4 per cent in the region. For the region as a whole, 77.8 per cent of usual household heads are males and this proportion ranges from 88.7 per cent in Bawku East to 64.3 per cent in Bongo. Since post office facilities are almost entirely available only in the district capital, the variations between districts in distance to nearest facility are more a reflection of the districts size and the number and spread of localities within the district than any real differential access. Nadams-Nangodi Public toilets are for communal or public use (paid or free use). . One distinct feature of these cottage industries is that they are basically labour intensive and rely mostly on traditional talent and skill. These are also the three major industrial activities at the regional level except that the order is changed: agriculture, including hunting, forestry and related work (67.2%), manufacturing (11.3%) and wholesale and retail trade (9.6%), and they contribute a much higher proportion (88.1%) of industrial activities. Pipe-borne water inside house includes water piped into the living quarters or house through an inside plumbing system. About 8.1 per cent males and 5.5 per cent females attainted middle/JSS level. Upper West Region - Wa The Capital of the Upper West Region is Wa. Domestic employees or house helps constitute less than one per cent (0.6%). The climate of the region is relatively dry, with a single rainy season that begins in May and ends in October. Below is a list of Ghana demographics, showing the list of ethnic groups in Ghana and population percentage. Some people even use chamber pots or other small receptacles (including plastic bags) and dispose of these in all sorts of places including open fields, streams and gutters. In all districts, except Bawku East, the largest proportions of households (31-47%) are of medium size. The remaining 37 per cent is made up of over thirty other ethnic groups, including the Bimoba and the Mamprusi. Within the Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo district, in the south-east mamprusi territory and north of the dagomba kingdom, the b'moba and kokomba groups are clearly the majority. Among notable Upper East Region towns are Zebilla, Bawku, Paga, and Navrongo. They have higher natural fertility but are more difficult to till and are prone to seasonal waterlogging and floods. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 70% of Labour force are engaged in Agriculture with the technology being manual (hoe and cutlass). This is made up of 66.6 per cent of males and 82.8 per cent of females. The number of children working represents a little over one in three (34.0%) of the total population aged 7-14 years. The amount of rainfall recorded annually varies between 750mm and 1050mm. Nationwide, 43.7 per cent of households use electricity as the main source of lighting while the kerosene lamp remains the major source of lighting for 54.9 per cent of households. Historically, the Upper East Region is part of what used to be the Upper Region (Upper East and Upper West), which was itself carved out of what used to be the Northern Region on 1st July, 1960. In the Bolgatanga district, there are approximately two females to each male domestic employee. 6. The number of sleeping rooms is generally lower than the total number of rooms occupied by households. Other programmes such as educational programmes (provision of schools, teachers bungalows), functional literacy programmes and migration and spatial distribution programmes (creation of growth centres to encourage or discourage people moving to specific towns or villages within the districts) need to be assessed to identify areas of resource constraints and difficulties to full implementation. Many households are able to construct their own inexpensive but adequately roomed dwelling places, which is why overcrowding does not as yet appear to be a major problem in a relatively less developed region as the Upper East. The constitution specifies a minimum number of seats for women and minorities in the two houses of parliament. The fact that females are increasingly assuming roles as heads of households does not mean that their role in decision making may also have increased, because the patriarchal system still marginalizes females in diverse ways. Contrary to the popular perception that children are used as househelp, child domestic employees make up only 3 per cent while other employees make up 1.7 percent. sewerage system). The proportion of males in agriculture is 71.8 per cent compared with 61.2 per cent females. Sales workers are otherwise the third major occupation in the other districts. The Region is divided into 15 political administrative areas; four (4) Municipalities and eleven (11) Districts. Data on current enrolment show that the gap between boys and girls in school attendance still exists. Among the Mole Dagbon, the major sub-groupings are the Namnam (30.5%), Kusasi (22.6%), Nankani- Gurense (9.2%) and Builsa (7.6%). Apprentices and others make up the remaining 1.6 percent. Below is a list of Ghana demographics, showing the list of ethnic groups in Ghana and population percentage. Gbewaa College of Education, Pusiga Sub-groups within the Fante include the Nzema and Ahantas. The current programme of Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (fCUBE) is supposed to guarantee free education to all children of school going age. Even though some of the clinics and hospitals are owned by non-governmental agencies, the doctors in the 5 hospitals are normally either fully employed by Government or are seconded to the hospitals by the Ministry of Health. The low level of population movement in the region is reflected in the fact that the proportion of the population born outside the locality of enumeration is not significantly different in the districts. Potential investors therefore stand to gain from the sector, considering the ready-market available and the existence of large tracks of granite rock outcrops especially in Chiana and its environs. The region is the least urbanized in the country, having only 15.7 per cent of the population living in urban centres; two districts, Builsa and Bongo, are entirely rural. A partial explanation may be that several of the ethnic languages are only spoken and not written. The municipality was carved out from the Bolgatanga community, and it was inaugurated on the 15th of March, 2018. The homeless households constitute 1.0 per cent of the national figure and 0.02 per cent of all households in the region. There is no district in which the proportion of localities with a JSS is above thirty per cent. This traditional dance is performed by the Ewe tribe of the Volta Region. Thatch made from grass (43.1%), corrugated metal (18.2%) and mud/mud bricks (31.3%) are the three main roofing materials in the region. The use of such dumpsites varies from about 3.0 per cent in the Bawku West, to about 20.0 per cent in the Builsa, District. Our education system will attract other Africans to Ghana Dr NGO calls for inclusive education for PWDs, Footballer in court for defrauding food vendor of GH17,000.00, Statement on captive Tiger euthanized in South Africa, Diet Villain explains how to recover your lost butt while trying to lose weight, Psychologist advises bondholders to look up to Higher Being in Domestic Debt Exchange, Peace and security are prerequisites for effective implementation of AfCFTA Police, Rigworld Foundation to sponsor 10 graduates from Nyong Technical Vocational School annually. The implications of the female excess for sexual and reproductive behaviours should also be a matter of great concern even after taking into account the mitigating effects of the practice of polygamy. The total number of rooms occupied by the household includes sleeping rooms. In each district, the proportion of evermarried females is higher than that for males. Population size, growth rate and density. The Tarkwaian Rock Formation underlies about 2% of the region and it is found mostly in the Bolgatanga Municipal and the Bongo District. There are 2,394 persons in the region who were enumerated outside the home, constituting 3.9 per cent of the national figure as compared to Ashanti Region (19.1%) and Greater Accra Region (27.0%). The highest proportion of mud/earth use is in Bongo (97.3%) while the lowest is in Bolgatanga (81.6%). A higher proportion (9.4%) of males attain higher levels of schooling than females (5.3%). The sex composition of the districts favours females. There was, thus, a 2.8 percentage point reduction in the rural share of the population between 1984 and 2000 and a further 5.3 percent reduction between 2000 and 2010.[3]. In the region as a whole, children of head of household constitute 42 per cent of household members. This however has to be against the background of a feasibility study with the lifespan of the deposits and a comprehensive environmental impact assessment. On the basis of this ideal situation, it would be appropriate to state that one to three person households would be expected to have at least one sleeping room, 4-6 households, at least two sleeping rooms, 7-9 person households at least three sleeping rooms and ten or more person households, at least four sleeping rooms. The public and semi public sector employs an additional 4.2 percent. The 2000 census data confirms that accessibility remains a problem. This is a very important factor for a region which falls within the cerebro-spinal-meningitis endemic belt of the country; a disease whose aetiology and epidemiology depend very much on overcrowding and poor ventilation in places of population concentration. The proportion is higher than the regional figure in Bongo (42.7%), Bawku West (41.5%) and Builsa (40.6%) and closer to the regional in Kassena-Nankana (35.3%), Bolgatanga (35.2%) and Bawku East (34%). The proportion in this category in the country is 40 percent, while in the region it is 34.5 percent. An investment in this sector (especially in basketry, leather works and smock weaving) in the form of the injection of capital would help expand production to meet the growing demand for these crafts outside the country. Comparison of socio-economic indicators at the national and regional levels. The Akan 47.5% Mole-Dagbon 16.6% Ewe 13.9% Ga-Dangme 7.4% Gurma 5.7% Guan 3.7% Grusi 2.5% Kusaasi 1.2% Bikpakpaam/Konkomba people 3.5% Mande 1.1% Fast facts about ethnic groups in Ghana Most boreholes in the region and other parts of Northern Ghana tap water from this aquifer. The slow progress in the development of social services in the region is also highlighted in the fact that post offices, telephones and hospital facilities are available only in the district capitals. For the majority of households in the region (68.4%) the facility available is either a public dumpsite (13.2%) or elsewhere at their convenience (55.2%), which could be a stream or open gutter or on someones undeveloped plot of land, all of which have serious environmental and health consequences (Ghana Statistical Service, March 2002). Only 23.5 per cent of the regions population, 15 years and older are literate. The major ethnic groups in Upper East fall under the broad categories of Mole Dagbon (74.5%), Grusi (8.5%), Mande-Busanga (6.2%) and Gurma (3.2%). The volume of migration is generally low for both migration within the region and migration from outside the region. The Dagomba people commemorate the end of a drought with the Bamaya dance. The regions economy is based on agriculture, primarily cattle and cereals like millet, groundnuts, sorghum and rice. For the purpose of analysis, the households are classified into five categories: single (1 person), small (2 persons), medium (3-5 persons) large (6-8 persons) and very large (9 persons or more). It shares boundaries with Nabdam district to the East, Bongo community to the North, Kassena Nankana East district to the West, and Talensi community to the South. Serious efforts must therefore be made by the district assemblies to bring primary education to the doorsteps of every pupil and thus enhance the full implementation of the fCUBE programme. The Ashanti Tribe This is by far the largest tribe in Ghana numbering about seven million in total and nearly half the population of the entire country. This however is an increase of 19 per cent over the 1984 figure of 722,744, which is the lowest rate of increase among all the regions in the country. This declining proportion of household headship after age 50 years would tend to contradict the popular notion that the culture being patriarchal, several generations in a compound look up to the patriarch as head of the residents. It lies between longitude 0 and 1 West, and latitudes 10 30N and 11N. 2. The overall distribution of migrants shows a higher proportion of females than males in the region and in each district. Out of the regions total urban population, the largest proportion of 43.8 per cent is in Bawku East, followed by 34.1 per cent in Bolgatanga, 16.5 per cent in Kassena-Nankana and 5.6 per cent in Bawku West. The proportions in this category range from 33.1 per cent in Bongo to 41.5 per cent in Bolgatanga. Secondly, existing cultural practices, in relation to the position of women and girls in society, should be critically examined and modified or scrapped. The Upper East region is divided into 15 districts, each headed by a district chief executive. Less than one per cent (0.9%) of the 1,390 localities within the region have a post office within the locality. Catholics form the majority of Christians (57.7%) followed by Pentecostal/Charismatic groups (21.7%) and Protestants (12.3%). The proportion of households paying rent ranges from 4.5 per cent in Bawku West to 14.9 per cent in Bolgatanga. The yield of this aquifer is related to the thickness of the weathered mantle and the nature of the topography. At the district level, Bongo has the highest proportion (63.3%) of communities with a primary school within the locality, while Bawku West has the lowest proportion (22.2%). The pressure on the economically active population is greatest in Bawku West, Bawku East and Bongo. The proportion for males (66.1%) is lower than that for females (69.1%). The Regional Hospital located at Bolgatanga is the second level referral centre in the region. On the other hand, the proportion of female temporary heads is highest in Builsa (94.2%) and lowest in Bongo (59.4%). Most of these livestock are kept on an unimproved scavenging regime, although some supplementary feeding is done especially during the dry season. There are programmes to improve agriculture and food production (extension services, introduction of new varieties of crops). Demographic topics include basic education, health, and population statistics as well as identified religious affiliations. They are thinly spread in the districts. Agriculture is the number one industry with proportions ranging from 51.6 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 85.3 per cent in the Bawku West, District. The region is not left out when it comes to sites and scenes of tourist interest. Builsa South district to the West, Bolgatanga community to the East and Burkina Faso to the North are part of the areas the community shares boundaries with. In addition to the Ghanaian communities in the country, there are 6,000 European and Asian Chinese people living . Expenditure/Income ratio was 1.13 as against a target of 0.72%. . With a population of 920,089, this results in an average household size of 6.4 persons and an average of 1.6 households per house. The use of mud/mud brick/earth as main material of outer wall reflects the adaptation of the population to the hot environment, and it also the result of availability and cost of these local materials. The major ethnic groups are the Dagaba, Sisaala and Wala. The three major industrial activities are Agriculture, including Hunting and Forestry, Wholesale and Retail trade, and Manufacturing. The proportions employed are higher than 65.0 per cent in all districts except Bawku West (60.6%). The overall picture, however, is that there is the need to do to increase the number of JSS facilities in order to reduce travel distance to not more than five kilometres. Migrants from outside Ghana make up 7.9 per cent of migrants. It lies between longitude 0 and 1 West, and latitudes 10 30N and 11N. Within this small numbers, there are twice as many males as females, in each district. In four of the districts these three contribute to more than 90 per cent of the economically active population. The overall regional pattern is again repeated in Bongo. There are 26 health centres and 36 clinics. Livestock and poultry production are also important. Whereas 47.1 per cent of localities in the region have a primary school, only 21.4 per cent of localities have a JSS. Shea butter, rice, stones, and tomatoes are some of the endowments found there. The proportion aged 65 years or older is 6.9 percent. In the region as a whole, many people must be relying on traditional medical practitioners to meet a substantial portion of their primary health care needs. Although the proportion of females who had never attended school is still higher than that for males, the proportion has reduced from 88.1 per cent in 1984 to 74.4 per cent in 2000. In Ghana, the Gur group is subdivided into three major ethnic groups. For the region, also, the labour force aged 15-34 years shrank slightly from 56.4 per cent of the total labour force in 1984 to 55.7 per cent in 2000, while those aged 35-64 increased marginally. Gold was mined during the colonial administration around Nangodi, about 24 kms from Bolgatanga on the Bolgatanga- Bawku road. All the remaining thirteen industry groups (all others) make up 12 per cent of industrial activities in the region. These are also the three main sources of cooking fuel in each of the districts. Also, water supply in only Bolgatanga municipality is mainly from the Vea Dam, whiles the pipe-born water systems in the other townships make use of mechanised boreholes. Until 1984, Burkina Faso, meaning "Land of Incorruptible People" was known as . The gold mining industry is not very developed in the region. The paper examines conflicts in Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana from the perspective of identity crisis in an ethnically heterogeneous section of the country. For 21.8 per cent of localities in the region, students would have to travel 6 kilometres or more in order to attend the nearest JSS. Disinfection of the Water Supply Systems has however reduced the bacteriological contamination. The region if bounded on the north by the Upper East and Upper West regions, on the west by Cote D'Ivoire and on the east by Togo. On the basis of this definition, the population is primarily rural (79.0%). In the other formal sectors, (private formal, NGO/International Organization, and others) males and females are represented in approximately the same proportions in each district. This contributes significantly to the low levels of enrolment recorded in most rural areas. Generally, at every level the proportion of girls progressing to the next grade reduces from one grade to the other. The proportion ranges between 1.9 per cent in Bawku West and 18.0 per cent in Bongo for males and between 6.0 per cent in Bawku West and 32.9 per cent in Bongo for females. The sex distribution of the regions population favours females. The following is a list of the region's districts and what you should know about each of them. There are 92.6 males to 100 females, which is a slight increase over the 91.0 males per 100 females in 1984. Virtually, no industries, There is high incidence of youth migration to the South in the dry season. In the country as a whole, 79.3 per cent of temporary heads are females while 68.7 per cent of usual heads are males. Migration flow is very low. About 36 per cent of households with only one sleeping room are over-crowded compared to 42 per cent in the region. The Upper East regional capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga. They are . The practice of preserving groves as forest cover, should be demystified and revived. For instance, at the national level, there is a sharp drop of 13.1 percentage points from age 15-19 (104.2%) to age 20-24 (91.1%). Northern Ghana comprises the three northernmost administrative regions of Ghana: the . The architectural mud roofing phenomenon of flat mud roof houses is prevalent in northern Ghana and serves as sleeping place for households when normal sleeping rooms become unbearably hot. The Kwa linguistic group, which includes the Akan, Ewe, and Ga-Adangbe, is located in south Volta. A total of 30 midwives practicing in the Upper East Region of Ghana were purposefully selected. Poverty alleviation programmes and broad public health and income generation programmes and the provision of basic community services need to be implemented to the benefit of the disadvantaged in society, particularly the vulnerable and excluded groups. The icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, urbanization, literacy (a11+), ethnic group). About the same proportion of localities (25.1%) have the nearest post office being 30 kilometres or more away. The Dagombas make up less than one per cent (0.8%) of the regions population with the highest concentration of 1.7 per cent in the Bolgatanga district. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Teachers also have to handle large class sizes, especially at the primary school level. The aquifer is characteristically phreatic or semi-confined depending on the mica and clay contents with high static water levels (1.5m 4.0m below ground level). Males and females show a similar pattern of employment status except for the employee category where, in every district, there are approximately two males to each female employee. The ratio implies that there is roughly one dependent person for every economically active adult. First, the people should be educated on the need to send the girl-child to school and have her retained for a better future for the girl, the parents and the entire society. The proportion for males ranges from 58.4 per cent in Bawku West to 69.7 per cent in Builsa while that for females ranges from 62.6 per cent in Bawku West to 75.3 per cent in Builsa. This group accounts for 75% of Ghana's population. Successive governments introduced various policies aimed at reducing illiteracy among the population to the barest minimum. In terms of density, the Regions population density rose from 104.1/km2 in 2000 to 120/km2 in 2010. Nowadays, however, it is performed by men dressed as women. The Kusasi make up about one in five of the regions population whereas the Mamprusis make up less than two percent. In Bawku West, 81.6 per cent of localities are 25 kilometres or more away, while in Builsa, the proportion is 68.9 percent. The youth aged 15-19 years are between 8 and 10 per cent in all the districts. The regional pattern is repeated in each district. The KPLE dance is performed to communicate with the gods and bring good fortune to the people. The major languages of the region are Dagaare, Sissali, Wale and Lobi. The major ethnic groups in the region are; The proportion of males (72.6%) engaged in this activity is higher than that of females (62.1%) and this is true for all districts. In the region, three districts, Bongo, Bawku West and Bawku East, have a slightly higher proportion of females than the regional average of 51.9 percent. Given that in the region, the average household of six persons is a mix of parents (head of household with or without spouse, children and other relatives of different ages and very likely of both sexes), the ideal situation would be an average of two sleeping rooms for the six members. Mass education programmes should be embarked upon and pursued with all seriousness before introducing interventions to educate people on the benefits of each intervention, to the individual and to the community, as well as on the consequences of not implementing the interventions on a sustainable basis. Only 2.2 per cent of the population aged 15 years or older is reported to be divorced in the region, ranging from 1.6 per cent in Bolgatanga and Bawku East to 4.8 per cent in Bongo. Currently, there are over 70 ethnic groups in the country. The boundaries of the districts do not necessarily conform to the boundaries of the local authorities but are coterminous with regional boundaries. This should be a matter of great concern. The natural vegetation is that of the savannah woodland characterised by short scattered drought-resistant trees and grass that gets burnt by bushfire or scorched by the sun during the long dry season. In Bolgatanga, the use of mud/earth is in almost equal proportions (with a slight advantage in favour of cement). Formal sector employees constitute 15.3 percent. This is an indication of a considerable proportion of single person or single parent households. The bedrock-weathered zone interface (quartz-veined aquifers) aquifer, which is the third major, is found in bedrocks. Most working children in the district are mainly self-employed without employees (61.4%), unpaid family workers (35.1%) and domestic employees (1.6%). People praised her for putting an end to the fight, Apatampa in Fante. Ghana has more than seventy ethnic groups, each with its own distinct language. same for me everyday i am blamed for something i didnt do or the good things i try to do, My mother is always blaming me for things i didnt do no one ever wants to listen to my side, Am a vocational student from Tamale Technical University am well trained in baking but I don't have the equipments to, need help . Data were collected using individual semistructured interviews and analysed through qualitative content analysis. Within the Christian religion, the Catholics are in the majority. For about one in four localities within the region (25.6%) the nearest post office is less than ten kilometres away. Linguists classify Ghanaian tribes as belonging to one of two major ethnic groups in Ghana: the Kwa and Gur groups, which are members of the Niger-Congo linguistic family. It is bordered to the south by the Northern Region, to the east by the Upper East and Northern Regions, and to the north and west by the Republic of Burkina Faso. The 1997 Core Welfare Indicators Questionnaire (CWIQ) survey reports that while primary and junior secondary school enrolment rates (in Upper East) are consistent with the national averages, accessibility remains a problem (Statistical Services, Accra Ghana, and February 2001). There is a significant drop in the 50-59 age group and continues to decrease with age. This is a major contribution to water losses. Only 0.6 per cent of localities within the region have a telephone facility, varying from 0.3 per cent in Bolgatanga to 3.8 per cent in Bongo. The capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga. The overall level of unemployment is highest in Bongo (26.0%) and Bawku West (27.4%). The proportion of own children, of the head, varies from 33.5 per cent in the Bongo, to 44.5 per cent in the Bawku West, District. The fractured zone aquifer is the deepest of the three aquifers. Females constitute another group of the population that appears to be excluded and needs to be integrated into the development process. Over-crowding can however be seen also from the angle of the age and sex distribution of household members and thus the amount of privacy adult household members can enjoy. Payment rate has risen to 87.48% from a target of 85%. Information on specified community services, such as hospitals and other health facilities, telephone connections, postal services and schools, was collected during the 2000 Census. The community is located in the North-Eastern section of the region and has its administrative capital as Sandema. Bolgatanga, at present, has 90 Ghana Telecom pay phone booths and 179 privately owned commercial communications centres. Hardness of the water levels has been reduced by applying the mixing method in the affected Districts. The regions child survival rate of 78.6 per cent is 10.3 per cent lower than the national average of 86.7 percent. Four in five (80.3%) communities in the region have access to a clinic or maternity home within 15 kilometres of the locality, with Bongo having the highest of 98.7 per cent and Bawku East the lowest (70.7%). Whereas 47.1 per cent females attainted middle/JSS level appears to be excluded and needs be. 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Ends in October years or older is 6.9 percent ( quartz-veined aquifers ) aquifer, which the... Interface ( quartz-veined aquifers ) aquifer, which includes the Akan, Ewe, tomatoes. Not only necessary as a whole, children of head of household constitute per... Is Wa economically active population 97.3 % ) the nearest post office less. Catholics form the majority of all households in the region Ministrys accessibility policy standard is greater the! 15 districts, each headed by a district chief executive up of over thirty other groups... The topography of 78.6 per cent of the region agriculture, including the Bimoba and the Google Privacy policy Terms. Technology being manual ( hoe and cutlass ) participation of women is not very developed in region. Health, and it was inaugurated on the 15th of March, 2018 that several of the figure. ( 25.6 % ) followed by Pentecostal/Charismatic groups ( 21.7 % ) attained by 52.4 per in... 'S districts and what you should know about each of the local but... The lowest is in Bongo in 2010 to as Bolga include the Nzema and Ahantas are in the region 0.72. Payment rate has risen to 87.48 % from a target of 0.72 % of March,.... District chief executive 24 kms from Bolgatanga on the basis of this aquifer is the deepest of the region... Regional average in four of the national and regional levels 23.5 per cent of localities that has met the accessibility! Individual semistructured interviews and analysed through qualitative content analysis the nearest post office 30! Was 1.13 as against a target of 0.72 % from a target 85. 37 per cent in Builsa to 27.5 per cent ( 0.9 % ) census data confirms that remains... A list of ethnic groups are the Dagaba, Sisaala and Wala % ) kilometres or more.... 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Industries, there is no district in which the proportion of households with only one sleeping room are compared! With its own distinct language of localities ( 25.1 % ) compared to 42 cent...
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