The pair met through Bens sister, Abigail Shapiro. And I'm -- I'm just listening to what he is saying. I don't remember the conversation. They didn't use all the legal things that you can use to be able to help at the polls.Everybody waited until the last minute. Apart from the disputes, Mor Shapiro continues her assistance with womens affairs and proceeds with her feminist works instead of wasting time on social media over trivial debates. They've totally turned on him.GLENN: Oh, yeah. Given to these -- these kids. Needless to say he's also written 7 books. Hegraduated with honors from Harvard Law School in 2007. And I think that it's to the point where it's hard to really remember. The reality is, there's currently zero countries that represent even a cursory threat to Russian territory. After working as an attorney for Goodwin Procter LLP, Shapiro began his own legal consulting firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting (Los Angeles). And Ben Shapiro is someone that directly spits in the face of facts," Nason said. And that's on top of the trillions of other stimulus in fed or Uncle Sam currency printing, that saw trillions more enter the economy over that time.Consumer price inflation is virtually guaranteed, at the level four to six months from now.So 2022, will be a choice between inflation, a market crash, or deflation.During an election year. I think they're both using evil. As our first marketing hire, he single-handedly led customer acquisition and brand development efforts during a formational time at Rinse. Benjamin Aaron Shapiro ( Los Angeles, Califrnia; 15 de gener de 1984) s un comentarista poltic conservador estatunidenc, escriptor i advocat. But we did see, a significant weakening of the market.Because of the fed. Meet Narvel Blackstocks Rosemary Margaret Hobor: Everything We Know About Her, David Sanov: Biography, Family, and Career, 15 Easy Steps for How to Make Him Fall in Love with You, 23 Master Oogway Quotes Unexpected Life Lessons, 11 Simple Signs Shes Not Into You Anymore That You Should Notice It, What to Write in a Baby Shower Book: Awesome Ideas You May Need, Welcome to the Squad: 43 Freakishly Cool Harley Quinn Quotes. More in a second. The controversy related to WAP and peoples quest to discover Mors reaction and thoughts on it remained unanswered, significantly due to the quiet life Mor keeps for herself and her family. Millions of people have pain every day.The inflation that hits your joints, whether it's from regular exercise to day to day living. You should be where, you know, you want to be.Because there's coming a time, where you are where you are, and you're not going to move.But every year, we just look at the news, and we say, okay. These days, those things don't pass for unforgivable sins in the eyes of the woke elite. Graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law. That he was -- his personal secretary, he went and became the pope's secretary. In 2000, Shapiro attended a Modern Orthodox Jewish high school Yeshiva University High School in Los Angeles, where he graduated at age 16. Honestly, at this point, its safe to say that everyone knows LIMITED details about Mor. Ben Shapiro Net Worth As of January 2023, Shapiro has built a net worth of $25 Million, over a career spanning almost two decades. Voter enthusiasm for democratic voters have never been this low.Blah, blah, blah. Here are some other facts about Ben Shapiro that are quite impressive: Ben Shapiro has excelled in his academic life. And we were there, and I talked to Dolan, and I talked to many of the cardinals. There was the Deep State of the Vatican that was going to do. Ben is the nephew of Suzie Wilson. They are lying. He's -- that's the beginning. See if it doesn't work for you. He published his first book Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate Americas Youth (2004) at the age of 17. So far, one was wrong. A Burbank native, Ben became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the entire United States of America at 17 years old. Mor juggles her roles as a career-driven woman, striving medical practitioner, wonderful mother, and charming wife; this is an inspiration for all. It is possible to blame all of this on systemic evil, but any fixes will have to come at the level of individuals making good and responsible decisions. He works as a writer and chief editor at The Daily Wire. Hi there! Because there are many political aspects. The guy who started the largest electric car in history. And it fell through, at the last minute. The results will be devastating to the economies of Europe. She is unavailable on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Ben Shapiro earns $173,000 per year from various sources. As of July 2022, Ben Shapiros net worth is in the neighborhood of US$20 million. She likes the ones starring Johnny Depp and Meryl Streep, her two ultimate actors, and actresses. Although he has never officially taken an IQ test or published any documentation about his official IQ. Ben Shapiro is widely known as a conservative in American politics. High school was garbage. A finance minister. Ben brutally breaks down the culture and never gives an inch! However, Ben remained supportive, offering to move his job so Mor could continue her education in California. From COVID's future and a war on crypto, to tension in China and the lefts hatred of Elon Musk, listen to find out which 5 predictions Glenn absolutely NAILED and which 2 he got entirely wrong. He skipped two grades, went to UCLA two years earlier than his peers, and then got accepted at Harvard. He graduated with a degree in Political Science and went on to . Shapiro further continued his education and graduated from Harvard Law School in 207. That's not enough.Listen to this one. This rationale serves as the same sort of catchall term as equity, widely beloved by the political Left. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. . In 2022, central banks and government authorities will move into an active mode against cryptocurrencies. His family is of Soviet Jewish ancestry. Although Ben Shapiro described him as generally libertarian but a few major media disagreed with him otherwise including the New York Times calling Shapiro extremely conservative, and The Economist described him as a radical conservative. Prior to starting a brand development & marketing strategy consulting business in late 2015, here's where I had worked: MARKET POSITIONING| Evaluate product & service offerings based on company strengths & market conditions, CONSUMER RESEARCH | Leverage data to define and target customer targets based on value, CUSTOMER PROFILING | Identify & define your core customers' most common & distinguishable traits, MARKETING MIX| Leverage customer insights to maximize the deliverability & impact of every brand impression, SCALE & OPTIMIZATION | Deliver results that drive revenue producing customers though your conversion funnel, CHANNEL VALIDATION | Evaluate media distribution by using a low cost, data driven, & scaleable methodology, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT|Evaluate business models for fit with market conditions & customer targets, PARTNERSHIPS | Identify, negotiate, and establish strategic relationships to improve influence and expedite growth, TEAM BUILDING | Educate & develop aspiring marketers and cross-functional patterns to achieve company objectives, Meet some of the people with whom I've worked, Ben is a great person to work with. Following that, Ben Shapiro worked at the law firm Goodwin Procter. He's trying to make sure that after he's gone, there's enough to hold back the onslaught.And he said, and it's -- it's real evil. Or call 800-4-Relief. It did have -- certainly, changed the balance of power. He started his own legal consulting firm,Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting. Ben Shapiro, an American conservative political pundit, media host, lawyer, and columnist, was born on January 15, 1984. Rebel. I think the only thing I missed here, was that it was going to start really turning. And they were just all about service.And we took a -- had so many incredible life-changing experiences there, that just opened my eyes to so much.And one night, it was before the cardinals were, I don't know.STU: Cardinaling.GLENN: I guess. An accomplished author, Ben has written a number of . Sometimes, the medical practitioner also travels to Israel, her main homeland. And then some. All these politicians. Not the final step. Could be.Find it really interesting, that he's using those words.Because I want to add something on top of that. I was two years younger than everybody else when youre 5 foot 2 and like 120 pounds, and smarter than most the kids in your class, and kind of obnoxious, things go real well for you in high school yeah, going to college was great.. He started his own legal consulting firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting. Ok, enough legal mumbo-jumbo. They say elections have consequences, but likewise, consequences have elections.Given the probable consequence of a no-good choice place. That one, still doesn't make sense. While COVID-19 got the blame for the sell-off, similar sell-off in early 2019 had no apparent cause.From April 2020 to February 2021, the fed made more than $9 trillion of loans to the largest investment banks in the US. Throughout his career, he was mainly into academics and has earned mainly through his own consultancy firm. Conduce quotidianamente il suo podcast online, The Ben Shapiro Show, scaricato dieci milioni di volte al mese secondo dati del novembre del 2017. That what you said, is true. Tremendous amount of digital ink had been poured into discussions of Putin's desire to protect Russia's so-called soft underbelly from threats within the EU. Now, he couched this, and you can read it this way. To be on, and we're looking at another cardinal, that we could get on, that might be able to tell us some of the inside things that have been going on. He currently resides in Los Angeles with his wife and two children. Benjamin Ben Aaron Shapiro is an American national widely known for his The Ben Shapiro Show. He was born in Los Angeles, California, on 15th January 1984. It won't work on me.It works on inflammation. They get the House, which is -- if they ever get a Speaker, will be important.GLENN: That is just so bizarre to me. And so we were just talking about it. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that 70% of black children are born to unwed mothers; nearly 8 out of 100 black males drop out of school; black college students tend to major in subjects that result in worse job prospects (just 12% of black students get a bachelors degree in STEM, compared with 33% of Asian students and 18% of white students, for example); one-third of the American prison population is black. That's not enough. After that, Ben initially worked at Goodwin Procter, and as of today, he is running Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting, a Los Angeles-based legal consultancy firm. During her medical school years, Mor vividly participated in singing practices and was even a member of Accapella, a cappella group. Monday-Friday at 10AM CT. (2) I may be profiting from things you click on, read, or look at while on this website. Later he founded an independent legal consultancy company entitled Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting, which is still working in 2020. It is.STU: Just glancing at the stats. Why do we need a constitutional amendment? Shapiro has written eleven books. Mors sexual orientation is heterosexual, having been raised as a devoutly religious individual according to the Jewish tradition. Especially since central banks will be launching their own digital currencies, as a safe replacement. The next one is wars and rumors of war. Born in Southern California in 1984, Shapiro entered UCLA aged 16. FTX thing. Mor not being on social media is a blessing in disguise, especially in turbulent times like when Bens controversies skyrocket and make him the talk of the city. In 2007, he graduated with honors from Harvard Law School after earning a Bachelor of Arts in political science. You don't write a book overnight. So, if youre interested in getting to know her better, youve stumbled on the right spot. I could be wrong. Relief Factor, feel the difference. After working as an attorney for Goodwin Procter LLP, Shapiro began his own legal consulting firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting (Los Angeles). His story, Glenn says, proves that evil isnt just spreading in America its all over the world. Ukraine is rich in oil. But here's what I said: In 2022, central banking and government authorities will move into active mode against cryptocurrencies.Based on eye-catching headlines about protecting consumers. Because I'm the one writing them.But maybe -- maybe I'll be wrong. When asked by CBS News correspondent Steve Portnoy whether protections for religious practice were codifying discrimination, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre answered, Is there more work to do? . He never loses a political debate, has astounding linguistic thinking, and he speaks fast with almost no hesitation in his speeches. He was raised in a Conservative Jewish family; when Shapiro was 9 years old, his parents transitioned to Orthodox Judaism. Continue reading to know Mor Shapiro more than her best-known role as Ben Shapiros wife. So he says, this elegant demon, is now lurking among the Vatican staff.Okay. Ben Shapiro Net Worth: Ben Shapiro is a political commentator and best-selling author, as well as the founder of The Daily Wire and host of the Ben Shapiro Show. He was the nation's youngest nationally syndicated columnist when he was 17 years old. And I don't want to identify his role.But he was very -- very high up.And, man, he walked in. Even as you type Ben Shapiro family photos, there are not many images you can browse for. I don't want to meet him. By age 21, Shapiro has written two books. Ben Shapiro has a net worth of $50 million. But as I read it, he was so close. Written and law. Ben Shapiro is a major force in the political world. In that time he had set up his own media consulting firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting and had also written syndicated columns for national newspapers when he was just 17 years old and written two books. He worked with him when he was just, you know, father -- what was his name?Ratzinger. But it was like a year later, that he retired.And so he said, you know, he is stacking the deck. Mor Shapiro stands at 16 centimeters, around 5 feet 4 inches. According to Wechsler IQ classification, a person with an IQ over 135 is considered among the 99th percentile of the population. Ben Shapiro (born January 15, 1984) is an American Political Commentator, Author, Radio Talk Show Host, and Lawyer from Los Angeles, California. Admitted to the State Bar of California in 2007. They were the poorer ones. If you're interested in marketing consulting, I'd love to hear about your company and its needs. In the end, what transgressives want is simple: a national state that stands as the god of a new moral system, and atomized individuals without recourse to intermediary institutions of community or civil society. During her time in Los Angeles, Mor also worked as a Sunday school teacher at the University of Synagogue, teaching Hebrew and Judaica. On what is coming your way.Hopefully, they'll be happier. Paired with her ambitious and unforgettable impression due to education and medical skills, she continues inspiring people and even her controversial husband. I'm always looking for a good story to sink my teeth into, and I love learning new things from different perspectives. Following his outstanding academic performance, Ben Shapiro practiced law at Goodwin Procter until 2012, when he made the decision to found his own independent legal consultancy company - Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting - based in Los Angeles, which ultimately significantly increased his net worth. Not the culminating step. Just sort of fades away. Ben and Mor caught tremendous attention, and while this wasnt a new experience for Ben, it was a slight shock to Mor, who had always been a private individual and liked keeping her personal life secluded. And how did they get married? It is on the docket. They have no rationale for drawing lines to hem in their cultural imperialism. Thanks for visiting my site. He writes Creators Syndicate and Newsweek articles. This week, the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee released a report calling on the city to pay every black resident $5 million and absolve all of their outstanding personal debt. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his. In 2012, he already ran his own legal consultancy company Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting. Shapiro was hired by Creators Syndicate at age 17 to become the . founder/editor. The rising public interest in Ben made people curious about Mor and what she does. But if we're reading the tea leaves right, he might wish to accelerate his planned mission.STU: That's -- I don't know if you saw Elon Musk posting the other day. Coincidentally, Ben had, at that time, wanted to accept a job in New York, and Mor had even offered to get transferred to one of New Yorks colleges. Blah, blah, blah.And I said, man, the room got chilly. And graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, with a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honors in political science in 2004 at the age of 20. Attorneys - Benjamin & Shapiro Law Attorneys Chicago Personal Injury Attorneys The attorneys at Benjamin & Shapiro, Ltd, have a combined 75 years of experience dealing with personal injury cases. He is the youngest nationally syndicated columnist. But they are talking about --GLENN: Yeah. And they are usually the things that I don't want to tell you.Like, hurry. Let me start at Christmas.Pope Francis made a dire warning to the curia. Following his graduation, he worked briefly at the law office of Goodwin Procter. My name is Benjamin Shapiro. Sorry, China versus Taiwan. It stirred heated debates among political commentators and critics. And what are they going to do?Keep raising up the rates? To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at He set up an independent legal consultancy firm, Ben Shapiro Legal Consulting, based in Los Angeles. January 1984. So is that just something, hey, you know, everybody is human. Required fields are marked *. Ben Shapiro booking agent for speaking engagements. He remained a columnist for multiple websites and magazines like Truth Revolt and Breitbart News and has hosted radio and TV shows since 2012. Called Pope Francis and said, he's dead. Currently, Mor is a medical practitioner on behavioral and womens health, working as a resident doctor at Kaiser Woodland Hills. Mor S attended high school at Shaarei Mishpat College and then studied psychobiology at the University of California. Why? A new year means its time to review Glenns predictions from last year, which he declared in January 2022. Shapiro doesnt think climate change is an emergency. And if the Republicans who voted for the Orwellian Respect for Marriage Act think that they have bought a respite from the predations of the Left by signing onto an erstwhile compromise, they will soon learn the error of their ways. Shapiro's career is broadly divided into two parts. Another of the climate emergency narrative-driven realities will also rear its head in 2022. Okay?STU: Uh-huh.GLENN: COVID-19. Ben joined Glenn Beck for a candid interview on todays show. Because I said, it would also, at the end of 2022 have significant consequences in the election. He brags about graduating "cum laude" from Harvard Law when grade inflation there was so bad that more than half the class graduated with honors. And while most people know Mor Shapiro as Ben Shapiros wife, youd be amazed to know there are plenty of other details you may not have known about Mor. Biden went still further. They were lying. He's white. The company's name is Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting, and it is based in Los Angeles. Shapiro married Israeli Mor Toledano, an MD, in 2008. If it "worked" for Biden, Glenn thought he would give it a try During his Christmas address last December, Pope Francis warned cardinals to be vigilant of an elegant demon lurking in the Vatican. His sister, Abigail Shapiro, is a reputable opera singer and the reason Ben was able to meet the love of his life, Mor, later in 2007. Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, has also worked to expose the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic motivations behind the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement., Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. 350 episodes. In 2006, then-Sen. Joe Biden ranted against the supposed irrelevance of a proposed constitutional amendment to define marriage in federal law as one man, one woman. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. The pair clicked instantly on their first meeting in 2007. Some people believed Mor worked as a gynecologist, but no report supports this claim. His business, his reputation, his legal standing, and his wealth.For his mark -- for his part, Musk has promised to fly a Noah's ark spacecraft to Mars, presumably including human beings, two by two. I've gone twice. Then at 2012, he worked in legal consultancy firm called Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting. After working as an attorney for Goodwin Procter LLP, Shapiro began his own legal consulting firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting (Los Angeles). He also opposed people of same-sex marriage to raising children, and that transgender people suffer from mental illness. . Its ranked the second most popular podcast in the US in 2019, with over 200 stations airing The Ben Shapiro Show. Bens mother worked as a TV executive while his father was a composer, both working in Hollywood. He is famous for being the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the United States. It conflates specific harms from deliberate policies which deserve redress with vague societal ills that indirectly and unverifiably impact the specific life paths of individuals. Its bad social science because it ignores the role of individual decision-making in persistent intergenerational inequality, despite the massive intervention of state, local and federal government. Of course, the George Costanza holiday. From his Youtube channel alone, from a conservative estimate, Shapiro is said to rake in around $173,00o a month or over $2.6 million a year. During that time, Mor was still attending UCLA, and despite their tough schedules, the couple remained so passionate that Ben even proposed within just three months of dating! I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So try the three-week Quick Start. They totally turned on the guy. Shapiro and his family spent Monday volunteering at the Alexander Grass Campus for Jewish Life, which was hosting a Martin Luther King Day celebration for the region. And I'll get into my predictions next week, for this year.But I think this is the year, where it really starts to turn ugly. Shapiro is the host of The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and live radio show. In other words, we cant confirm Bens IQ, but we can reasonably assume that its around the 130 mark. He stated, It is a garbage movement composed of garbage ideas. The Celebrity Life of Ben Shapiro and the Ben Shapiro Net Worth 2022. And the kindness, and everything else.You just know when you're in the presence of someone who is really connected to the spirit.And he said to me, at the time.He said. Ben Shapiro is founding editor-in-chief and editor emeritus of The Daily Wire and host of The Ben Shapiro Show, the top conservative podcast in the nation. ADVERTISEMENT. Mor is a practicing Jewish with American nationality and has a zodiac sign of Capricorn. Shapiro resigned from this position after 4 years in 2016, expressing dismay for the lack of support to a staff, Michelle Fields, who alleged to experience assault by Donald Trumps former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. Ben Shapiro - Wikipedia After working as an attorney for Goodwin Procter LLP, Shapiro began his own legal consulting firm, Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting (Los Angeles). Hewas the editor-at-large at Breitbart until he resigned in March 2016. And he said, you should.And so my wife looked at me like, why? You know, a year ago, that one was -- they weren't in Ukraine. Remember that moment when Biden finally found the secret tool to crack the code for dodging reporters? And one of my predictions coming for next year, is -- we are going to have massive -- well, I won't tell you. And the camera would just show him. But I think there are kind of pointing at each other, a little bit. Shapiro also hosts a popular podcast, The Ben Shapiro Show, which is syndicated on radio and iTunes. Even though Ben may not change his public views and remain viewed as a misogynist, its obvious that Mor has accomplished enough to earn peoples respect while staying far away from the social limelight. All content copyright 2007-2020 by PrescotteNews & may not be republished or reproduced without written permission. Although Ben has never taken an official IQ test, his IQ is definitely on the high end of the spectrum. Or China invading Taiwan or another Iranian cause blowup in the Middle East, 2022 is likely to see one or more wars of the word. In 2008, Shapira married an Israeli medical doctor, Mor Toledano. People speculate that Ben has an IQ of around 140, placing him in the near-genius spot. His work as a legal consultant in Los Angeles adds to his income as well. Hmm. I think that's accurate.STU: Sure.I mean, that one is well underway. Adding to the list, hes also the laws attorney, which makes him not every US locals all-time-liked personality. And the bad guy would be sitting behind it. Ben Shapiros wife got the limelight following Bens statement and views on WAP, Cardi B, and Megan Thee Stallions billboard-smashing hit song. Ben is never shy in expressing his love and pride for his wife, praising her in several speeches. Ben Shapiro's Family life And when they released the final secret. And the story has been that, you know, he fell. It was a while ago, though.GLENN: It was when they -- when Ratzinger was the pope. Just say hello. "I'm here specifically to talk about the attempt to stop the Jihad," Shapiro said. Whats the Truth Behind Paul Giamattis Weight Loss? you can call 800-4-Relief. Biden made this clear in his speech, in which he lumped together opposition to same-sex marriage with racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia. This is patent nonsense, of course. And I'm in this room, with all of the cardinals. Benjamin Shapiro Legal Consulting. But also, this book is saying, there were internal things that were going on. The wedding was held according to all Jewish traditions and customs. This makes you wonder, what is Ben Shapiros IQ? Ben completed high school at the High School of Los Angeles in 2002, enrolling at UCLA and completing his Bachelor of Arts degree in 2004 in political science. . The leftist elite just will not allow them to survive. He seamlessly transitioned from a business development role on to the SEO team. And just, their strategy was, we're not the Democrats. This guy is a -- you know, I don't know. Pope Benedict knew this. I think this is why this works for me. My name is Benjamin Shapiro. Some place in his Christmas address, he will put some things, where he's, you know, kind of upset about, inside the Vatican. Instead, his posts mostly revolve around politics. The Ben Shapiro Show | The Daily Wire. Because the idea here is, this will be one more reason to sell your stock in the DNC's changes in 2022. During the wedding, Bens father read a poem, specially written to welcome the happy couple in their new bond. She is an ambitious individual who has made her own name, using her brilliant endeavors, hard work, effort, and dedication toward womens health and affairs. Thus, every inequality between blacks and whites, for example, becomes an instance of societal failure, to be cured with social engineering. Global equities experienced significant sell-offs in Q1 of 2019. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. And flips the other way.STU: What do you mean? In The Daily Wire Backstage, Ben Shapiro mentioned that he attended a magnet school for gifted children in junior high school. Alas, regardless of how hot trending Ben and his views for the WAP remained, Mor has remained firm in not posting or speaking her thoughts out loud publicly. Then he served in the law offices. Because Mor was born in Israel and later migrated to the United States, she has two nationalities: Israel and America. Like, if you were a super villain, you would have a desk in the center of this room. His family is of Soviet Jewish ancestry. But, anyway, it was the night before. Ben Shapiro net worth is currently $20 million USD. He is a columnist, political commentator, activist, radio talk show host, author, and lawyer. Another instance was the city of Berkeley, fearing on possible riot, the city spent $600,000 for police and security when Shapiro was a guest speaker at the University of California, Berkeley, criticizing identity politics. He earned a BA in Political Science from UCLA in 2004 and graduated from Harvard Law School in 2007. These do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any of my current or previous employers, their employees, investors or clients. That will be enough for most people. Career as an Author. He doesn't apologize for that. Ben Shapiro's net worth is estimated to be in the region of $4.5 million. Oh, yeah. Shapiro's news website published videos earlier this week of protesters who called him the "founder" of . Because Mor was born in Southern California in 2007, he is a columnist, was born in Israel later... Saying, there 's currently zero countries that represent even a cursory threat to Russian territory gynecologist, likewise... 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William John Garner, Articles B